Chapter Fourteen

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The Vampire was a second away from drinking Calia's blood if she hadn't stopped him. She guarded her face with her hands, and the Vampire growled as he was swept away across the street. One second, he was inches away from her, and the next, he was on the ground and grumbling in pain. What the hell? She wasn't sure how it happened because her hands did not conjure electricity but wind. Well, it would make sense since she could summon a whole thunderstorm, and wind came with it. It just hadn't appeared until now.

Calia was breathing hard as the Vampire got up and focused on her again. His dark eyes were in slits as he elongated his fangs again, ready to kill her. She tried summoning her powers again, but there was nothing. Dammit. Of course, now would be the time when her thunderstorm did not listen to her. He took one step forward but stopped short as blood seeped out of his mouth at once. Calia watched as he gurgled on his own blood and then crumbled to the ground. She breathed hard as she glanced from the dead Vampire to the man standing behind him with a heart in his hands. From where she stood, she recalled Graves' sharp features that stared down at the corpse with pure venom in his eyes. Although she hadn't known the drug dealer all that long, she knew he was strong. He wouldn't be a threat to the Kingdoms for nothing.

Graves dropped the heart from his hand and locked eyes with hers. One second, his dark brown eyes were laced with hatred, and the next, they softened at the sight of Calia. He took one step toward her, and she stood frozen in the spot, not knowing what to do or think.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Gods, even his voice was as soft as a flower.

"I'm fine," she managed to say. " follow me?"

He angled his head to the side—studying her. Then he sighed and said, "I think it's about time you and I have a proper conversation." Then he walked away, and she couldn't help but follow. As much as she despised the guy, he knew something she didn't and Calia needed to find out what that was. She stepped over the dead Vampire and let the worms dispose of him fully while she walked behind Graves with apprehension.

Calia stepped beside him and frowned. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere safe," he whispered. "A place where no Vampires can overhear."

She nodded once. "Okay."

The Werewolf's lips curled to the side as he looked lost in a memory. "Has anyone told you that you are much different than your mother?"

"Many times," she confessed. It wasn't exactly new information for Calia. For as long as she can remember, she was shy, while her mother was loud. Juliette was messy while she was organized. Calia was sweet, while Juliette was mean. The two might have shared the same hair and eyes, but they couldn't be different. "No one in my life met her, so they wouldn't know. Except for you of course."

He nodded once, then waved his hand to the building before them. "We're here."

She turned her head and almost gasped. In front of her stood an old brick building on the city's outskirts. A place where not many Vampires entered due to the sign in front that said they weren't allowed. It allowed the Fae visiting Ambrosia to hang out without being free to get bled dry. Calia had no idea this place existed.

Graves opened the door for her, and she walked in, the tavern smelling like roses and burning wood. It was getting colder out around the Kingdoms, so most buildings either blasted heat or made fires—depending on how old they were. "A long time ago, places like this didn't even exist. They are safe havens for the Fae. But Witches and Werewolves can enter if they like. We are not a threat to each other like the Vampires are to us."

She smiled awkwardly. "Right. That makes sense."

He guided her to one of the tables in the far corner. As she walked, she noticed the other Fae either drinking mugs of beer or eating various foods delicately. Some were playing pool on the other side of the tavern, and she was instantly mesmerized by how normal it was. As she sat down in front of Graves, she immediately snapped out of her reverie and focused on what he wanted to tell her. He clasped his hands together on the table while the waitress came to their table. "What can I get you two?"

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