Page 5 ~Forest~

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Dogday woke up from being shaken back and forth. "yo, you alright? You're usually the first one to wake up." Kicken asks as he backs away. "Yeah, I'm good." Dogday said as he rubbed his eyes, when he realized what Kicken said he jolted up "Wait! What time is it?!" Dogday got up and rushed out of his tent with his pjs still on, he stopped and watched as everyone was preparing for a new game. Kicken pants as he catches up to Dogday, before Dogday asks if he is ok kicken spoked.

"Yeah, we were worried that yesterday took a toll on you so we decided to do what you would do," Kicken said out of breath from running. Dogday smiled and hugged Kicken "Thank you," he said to Kicken and turned to his friends "Thank you all!" He yelled smiling with his tail wagging, showing that he was happy."But that's not what happened I kinda just-" Dogday stood still remembering why he slept in.

"Ya good?." Kicken ask to consider that Dogday did something last night that was not healthy for himself. "Oh! Yeah, I'm good, just had to remember what happened." Dogday said reassuring kicken. boba then walks over to them both "Ah, Dogday you have finally awoken. Are you doing quite fine? It is unlike you to arise at noon." Boba worried asked.

Dogday rubs his head realizing that his oversleeping causes a lot of trouble for his friends. "Yeah I am ok boba, I just woke up at night because of a new friend" Dogday smiled as he started to walk to the others. "Another critter?"Kicken asks as both Boba and he follows Dogday." Yeah, they're a purple cat that only wakes up at night. Although he did say that he lives in the forest." Dogday said as he stopped in front of the trees near the playground, and sat looking through the trees.

"Hmm, well that's weird. caused we all met as kids right?"Kicken said as he kicked a rock on the floor. "I concur, each individual has met at a tender age. Giving the consideration, why is that we unacquainted with this feline?" Boba wondered, Dogday just stood still. That is weird, no one in this area hasn't met, They all just saw each other when they were 3-5 years old and started to play together. "I'm guessing it's cause he's awake at night right?" Kicked added crossing his arms.

"Yeah, probably," Dogday said nodding, they all stopped talking about it and started to start the game with the rest. Once everyone was finished playing Dogday couldn't help but look at the forest again, he got closer and touched a tree. "It kinda smells just like him" he whispered and looked at the side. "Whatcha doin' pups?" Piggy asks smiling, Bobby joins in.

"Yeah puppy, you have been staring here as you love them woods baby face." She chirped clinging on to him. Dogday blushed softly and smiled "I kinda just want to explore it, it just seems like nobody went in there." He lied a bit, he wanted to go in for him. He wanted to hear his voice one more time, but he couldn't get his voice out of his head when he heard it.

"Will why won't we just get to it then? Ya ah, scaredy cat?~" Piggy taunted holding her hips, Dogday gulped "N-No," he said nervously. "How about ya Miss Hearts?" piggy asks Bobby pointing at her. "Will I don't mind, as long as we don't get hurt I'm fine with anything." She said smiling tilting her head to the side.

"It then! it's settled, we gonna adventure throw these woods y'all! We gonna have to be careful though, we ain't too similar within these woods" Piggy stated as she started packing things. " wait why are you packing?" Dogday asked, helping her pack stuff. "Because, it's gonna be night in a bit, and I think we're gonna have to sleep in the woods," Piggy said as she packed the last of her things.

Realizing what's going to happen Bobby and Dogday went to pack the stuff they thought they needed. When they were done they said goodbye to their friends and headed back to Piggy. "Y'all slowpokes done?" Piggy asks while eating an apple. "Yup, are u ready?" Dogday ask as his tail wag.

"I have been ready, so let go y'all," Piggy said, she started to walk and the others followed behind and faded into the forest. All of them were amazed that so many things in the forest were not found in the field and started to pick things up that they either liked or found interesting, especially Dogday. He picked up a lot of flowers and things that his friends that didn't come would liked.

They kept going till they all saw a house on top of a big tree, it looked like a friend's meet-up place with a hole in the bottom. They each went to the rope and stairs and climbed up it. "Do you think someone lives here?" Bobby asked as she started to snoop around.

"Will yea, there ain't gonna be a random abandoned house," Piggy said, she then spotted the kitchen and went in. Dogday also started to look around and found himself enjoying the place, it smelted like Catnap and he couldn't help but let his tail wag since he got there.

"I can't wait to find Catnap and talk to him again! His voice is so nice~" thought Dogday, he couldn't help but keep thinking of him, especially his voice. He couldn't help but love Catnap's voice, but what he loved the most was his smell. His smell melted away his worries and everything that was on his mind, all he felt in that moment with Catnap was just him and the relaxing smell of lavender.

Piggy and Bobby meet up with Dogday, but before anyone can say anything Bobby's hip knocks over a lamp and causes a loud crash. Everyone just stood still and looked at the lamp on the floor but their staring was interrupted by a door opening.

(1028 words, sorry for not being able to write had a lot of finals this week)

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