Page 4 ~Vanilla~

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Catnap's ear twitched when he felt the moonlight hit agents his face, He looked up with a sleepy expression and then smiled softly at the moon. "Hello, to you too friend," Catnap said as he started stretching, he yawned and got up to leave his tree. Catnap looks down and starts to climb down the tree with his nails, as he reaches the bottom he jumps off and lands on his feet. "Time to start the night" Catnap whispers to himself, he then sits down and opens his mouth to make a new red cloud.

"This is helpful, it's easier to move around." He thought as he finished making the cloud, once done he jumped on it once more and glided away. He made it out of the forest and started to head back towards the light once again, he couldn't help but desperately want to know who was behind the vanilla scent. Or at least how they looked like. "I've seen all of the critters here, there's a pig, unicorn, rabbit, chicken, bear and an elephant from what I have seen so far. Although what type of critter would be making a vanilla scent?" Catnap thought to himself, as he looked up he saw that tent once again.

He smiled and hovered next to the tent and climbed off his cloud. "Made it back again lovely scent~" Catnap purred, the smell of the tent made him feel warm and happy. He went to the slit of the tent and pop his head inside, what he saw first was a lamp on a wooden table and next to the lamp was a sleeping bag. "Is that the one making this lovely smell?" Catnap wondered, he carefully stepped into the tent and looked around a bit more. To his left was just a table with paper all over it and an empty spot that looked like it could fit another sleeping bag, in front of him was the wooden table and next to it, he could now clearly see an orange critter's ears.

Instead of wanting to look at what type of critter it could be he went to the table to read what the papers had written on them. "*Tag *Hide and seek *Men hunt *Valley ball *Swimming" The list goes on different types of games and who would join and who would want to win, after reading this catnap look over at the sleeping critter. "So you're the leader of these 6?" Catnap asks and he places the papers back down, he looks at the bump in the bed and starts to walk towards it. "Let's see who you are." Once he was right behind the critter he leaned over to see who they were.

"A dog?!" Catnap yelped as he saw the critter's face, once he realized that he had spoken out loud he covered his mouth. Catnap watched in silence as the dog turned around with a groan. " dang it!" Catnap thought as he ducked under the bed, when he did this the dog above sat up. " is someone there?" They said in a tiered and discomfort way, catnap just stayed silent. Dogday just rubbed his eye and looked around. "who was that? They didn't sound like someone I knew." he thought to himself, he then got a whiff of a lavender scent.

Dogday got up and started to follow the scent which made him loop around his tent.  Catnap watched as the dog moved around, in fear Catnap made a little cloud of smoke and led it out of the tent, this caused the dog to follow the trail of smoke. Catnap sighed as he thought it was safe to leave from under the bed. Dogday caught the scent but found it was just a cloud of smoke of red. "Aw men, I thought I caught something.." Dogday said as he looked up, when he did he saw that someone was in his tent.

Catnap was about to leave when he was met face-to-face with the dog at the entrance of the tent. "AH?! Who are you?!" The dog asks as both of them jump back, Catnap blushes a little from embarrassment from being caught. " u-uh I'm Catnap. And I just came here cause of the light, you have a lovely smell and um sorry for entering without permission." he spoke nervously and low. Dogday felt butterflies in his stomach when he heard the cat in front of him speak, it was a low and quiet voice that was deep.

"U-uh it's fine, um don't worry about it. I'm Dogday and uh how come I never seen you around?" Dogday asks with a stutter, He can smell the lavender on the cat's fur this helps make Dogday relax again. Before Catnap could answer Dogday sat on his bed and tapped it so that both were comfortable when talking, catnap sat down nervously. "U-um that's mainly because I'm awake only at night, and because I sleep in the forest," Catnap said, before Dogday could answer he had fallen asleep behind Catnap. "Did he get hit by my mini cloud?" He thought, catnap sighed and smiled softly at Dogday.

"Such foolishness, it's cute," Catnap said, he realized what he had just said and left in a rush back to his tree despite it still being night. Once he made it back he climbed in his tree in a rush and sat on his wooden floor. "What was that?! Cute? Why would I say cute? I mean he was asleep but still" Catnap said out loud flustered at what just happened, he looked around his tree house and sighed. "Let's hope he doesn't remember me, 1006 won't like me talking to the others." Catnap huffed, he looked at his room and went into it.

"What am I going to do now? He looks so cute and innocent compared to the others, especially that bear. She has some interesting taste in pj's although the chicken is half naked so." Catnap paused. "what am I thinking?" He asked himself, catnap sighed and went over to his desk and started writing till the day was about to rise. He yawns and flops himself on the bed, " Time for bed it almost morning." He covered himself and turned to face his left side, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

(1063 words, sorry for not posting I had a lot of testing and work to do. This might continue to happen to me so this story might take long sorry)

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