Ascanio Celestini dog and bundt cake

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Initially there is a corgi-like dog that has the face of the italian actor Ascanio Celestini. Ascanio Celestini dogface licks one of my friends' face. That's the only thing it does in the dream.
After this, I'm at my aunt's place (father side, she is an old lady, with red short hairs, not very tall), and she tells me that she really needs to prepare the parmesan cream for her bundt cake. However, when I get a chance to look at the bundt cake, I notice it's a massive dome formed out of cake slices. Since the recipe requires to use the cheese's center, she is unsure on how to prepare the parmesan cream. This is because, as she shows to me, the cheese is shaped like a disc: when she pulls off a thin film, the disc appears to be packed with cream cheese. "Is this the center of the cheese? Or perhaps... " she pulls the disc's round sides, it transforms into a cylinder that passes through an hourglass-shaped structure and she removes the film once more, the cheese is visible again " this the center, otherwise?". This question remains unanswered.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 12 ⏰

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