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Trolls: (Danger: 4/10)
Small, Retarded, fiesty, devil like creatures, ussally carrying knives.

Changelings: (Danger: 7/10)
Balls of pure energy that can desguise as anything, but only for a limited amount of time.

Ghosts: (Danger: ???/10)
Creatures that can alter between being in a physical and nonphysical form, but it takes a lot of energy out of them, and they need to recharge with the rare spirit diamond that the king of the ghost has.

Husks: (Danger: 4/10)
Smarter than zombees, but less agile, and less aggressive

Zombees: (Danger: 4/10)
Zombees are one of the stupidest creatures on the planet, but that makes them a much reckless opponent

Kirs: (Danger: 10/10)
Kirs (Key-airs) are deer like creatures with many eyes, and a set of wings that are hidden until needed. These creatures can blend into the background but this takes energy out of them, and are the ussual winners of the games

Piverates: (Danger: 8/10)
Cat like crearures who stand on two legs, have 4 bushy tails, with a average hieght of 5'6. These creatures are dangerous as they always have a trick up their sleeves, never backdown, and are extremely agile.

The Game Master: (Danger: Unbeatable as of right now)
The Game Master has never been seen before, yet is behind all of the games that have killed millions over the years.

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