Chapter 1 (Mixie)

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Ah, what a pleasent way to start my day.

A little Kir was thinking sarcastically. Just beyond her was the game gate, a large, towering, obsidian gate made out of bars so high, not even the strongest and fastest Kir could fly over. She sniffed the air attentively and could smell the stench of blood coming nearer. Her day had just turned around for the better. She did a little dance, jumping up and down while slaming her hooves into the dirt around her in an excited monor.

"Mum! Mummmm!!! Is that you?!"

She waited for a reply but one never came, she didn't mind though, she was just happy because she knew her mother was coming back. She recognised her scent as she came closer and closer. She continued her dance, her pink and purple fur and feathers shone out so she could easily be spotted from miles away. She started running in circles and was jumping into the air, giving one flap of her wings just to go a little higher. She ran to the gate as she saw the aproching Kirs, she grabbed the bars of the gate standing on her back hooves. She wasn't supposed to be here, so if Chief Mox found out, she would be dead.

The aproaching Kirs look solem. What could have happened?

She thought this to herself as she gazed worriedly toward the aproaching Kirs.

Mulch, Mia, Mattie, Max, and...


She beat against the gate, she threw her body into it helplessly, she didn't give up at trying to get through, even when her hooves were bleeding and there were cuts all over her body. The approaching Kirs were another good two minuets away and the little one was still persistant. Tears crept down her face, and she wailed as she continuously threw her body against the gate.


The Kir stood still and waited for her kind to be welcomed back into the world of "Azuned"
They were approaching quicker and quicker, and they were almost at the gate before she remembered. She had to get out of there, she had to run...

She shifted into the background and slowly backed away, if she was caught, she would be killed. Once a mother Kir was killed, if her baby was less than a year old, the baby Kir was killed aswell. This was a way to make sure the baby's didn't get agressive as they always did, considering thier minds weren't yet mature enough to understand thier mothers passing. Kirs were very stealthy despite their large build, and had the ability to kind of go invisible or a better explanation, they blend in with the background. Kirs are cold blooded so they wont be detected by any detectors and this always helps them.

One.. Two... Three.. Four.. Almost there, almost there.... SHIT

The gate opened before she got to her hiding place, she had been seen before she had escaped. Max, second in charge of the Kirs, sniffed the air and stared dirrectly toward her.

"Mixie, Mixie, Mixie.. You know what happens next. Come on, be a brave girl. Accept your fate."

Her mothers body was covered with gruesome, crimson stained blood. She tore her gaze from her mother and looked toward the gate. She should have known Max would have caught her, she hadn't hidden her scent with dirt or anything. Only thirty seconds remained before the gate shut. It was too late now for her to hide her scent, so she galloped in zigzags toward her mother and past Max scilently, that way her scent would be everywhere at once. She bent her head down toward her mothers pink and purple feathers, with splashes of blood everywhere.

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