#2: Bottle.

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Getting out of bed, I woke up with an uncomfortable feeling.
But this feeling won't go away, it's driving me insane.

I've been in here for hours, I can't get out. I'm trapped. Confined to this tiny room.

I hear pounding on the door. It's swift and loud. Pounding harshly like the beating heart deep within my chest. It's going too fast. Burst it might.

The door opens with a sudden slam within this deafening silence. My older brother walks in. Staring me down. Menacingly.

I wonder, does he hate me?

He rolls a bottle my way. Careful that the hard glass doesn't smash against the solid ground.

"Drink, dear sister. Drink your heart out."

I do so quickly, the smooth liquid was soon gone from the bottle.

I feel a strange instance filling my lungs, draining my vision as I see clouded dots.

I wonder, is this another one of my panics?

The door slams shut, the sound echoing throughout the room. It hurts my ears. They're ringing. It hurts... it hurts...

Eventually, I collapsed. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I had fainted against this suffocating pressure of this world.

I wonder, am I... normal?

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