Part Two

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'Im not sure' I say.

'We could go and sit on the field,I sit there most mornings and some of my friends are there.' She tells me signalling towards the back of the school.

'Okay that sounds fun.' I say. She grabs my hand, claws digging in again. Wait  why does she have claws? are they fake nails or straight up natural...wolf claws? I dont want to think about it because if shes a werewolf my parents would make me leave the house without 50 layers of sunscreen.

When we get there i see 3 people. A girl who wa bigger than Kim. with braids that was kinda just sitting there, A guy scribbling down words into what looks like homework and a girl with a bob that almost looked like a bowl cut dishing out strawberry laces.

'Hi guys!' Kim says to them.

'This is Olivia, Spencer and Daisy.'

'You look like a vampire not gonna lie' Oliva says pulling out a vape that she definetly wasnt alowwed.  I panic because she might be able to tell. 

'Well she isnt one.' Kim replies quite aggressively. 'And get that vanilla vlavoured USB stick out of you fucking mouth your gonna get caught'. 

'SHUT THE FUCK UP I CAN DO WHAT I WANT KIM!' Olivia back shouts at her. Kim takes me to the side.

'Please ignore Olivia she has a lot of problems, none of us really like her like the other day she attacked me for moving her pen.' Kim tells me looking like a worried mother trying to justify her child behaving badly.

'Form should be starting now so we should probably go now.' She says 'come on'.

When we get to the class theres only two other people there. Mr Abbotts room was a big history class room with rows of tables covered in graffiti. 

'I sit here an theres a free seat next to me so im guessing you want to sit here?' Kim asks me.

'Of course i want to sit next to you' i say very enthusiasticly.

She sits down first and then i do after. As i sit down out knees start touching. I feel like she is doing this deliberately. She notices me looking under the table and she quickly pulls her knee away. 

For the next five minutes everyone begins to arrive. Kim has just been drawing stars on the table, well i guess its better than aitting in silence like i am.

I dont pay attention to the book we're supposed to be reading, i cant even rember what its called because im so distracted by how beautiful kim looks, mullet, thick eyebrows, large browny-yellow eyes, large nose bridge, diamond face shape... 'Marya, what page are we on?' Mr Abbott asks me slightly annoyed.

' uhhh....' I look at Kims book 'page 96' i say. 

'Im going to ignore the fact it took so long and that you had to look at kims book, its your first day so i wont be too harsh.' He says. Im kinda glad he asked me that question becuse if he hadn't Kim might of noticed me staring at her.

The rest of the day is pretty boring: english, maths, science, historty, art  actually ary wasnt too bad, im happy they shoved me into subjects i told them i was good at in my application form instead of really random ones that dont matter. Sadly, Kim isn't in any of these lessons so i didnt get to see her until she run up to me at the gate. 

'HEY MARYA!' she shouted. I looked back.

' can we walk together again? ' she asks as i see her smile slightly.

'Of course!' I say.

As we walk home together we talk about normal stuff like our family, our music taste, what we like doing at home. When she says to me 'are you gay by any chance?' Well i am but i never know who to trust with this information, im closeted anyway. 

'Uh...well are you?' I ask, usally other gay people are the best to trust with this kinda stuff. 

'Yeah, yeah i am.' She says nervously.

'Well i am too just im closeted.' I replied. 

There was a long pause until she says.

'Oh okay um do you want my phone number?' She askes. I agree and we swap phone numbers so now we can call and message eachother.

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