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Delilah walked down the streets of LA, sunglasses on her face. She wasn't well known, being simply a dancer. Her eyes wandered the streets, looking for somewhere she could go shopping. She sighed as she carefully shouldered open a door. Nice dresses hung up around the spacious room, all colors and styles. She made her way through the racks, finding herself gravitating to the purples. A dark purple silk party dress caught her attention, so she carefully flipped for her size and pulled it down. She admired the cut of the dress for a moment before laying it over her arm and moving on, finding red dresses next.

A maniquine sat on display, a beautiful red dress sat upon it. It had layers of tulle making the skirt, a jeweled waist that faded through down the skirt. It was breathtaking. She held up her hand, waving over a worker. She explained she was interested in the style of dress and was pleased to learn the one on display was her size and the only one in store.

"I'll take it." Her smile was kind, although the worker scrutinized her. His eyes looked her up and down, taking in the sweat pants and oversized t-shirt, topped off with a pair of off brand sneakers. One thing about Delilah is that she doesn't like to flaunt her money, but always ensures she has herself dressed to a T for events.

"Are you certain you can afford it? It's a very expensive dress." She nodded, understanding the man's question.

"I'm certain. Now, I would like to proceed to check out." The man called for another employee to take the dress down from the maniquine as he led her to the counter. She laid down the dress in her arms, smiling as the female employee brought the gorgeous dress over. Both dresses were packaged, and she swiped her card. The man handed her the receipt for the dresses, which she took and took the bags in hand before moving to head down the road again. She already had shoes for the dresses at home and now was simply looking for a diner.

She walked a few blocks and looked up at the buildings around her. Her eyes ran around them, looking at different banners hanging down. A large green and black banner caught her eye, and 2 women stared each other down on the canvas. She stared for a moment, racking her brain. Her eyes went to the name of the company.


Delilah thought for a moment, eyes trailing over the women again. Red hair stood against pale skin. Across from her, a look that screamed dominance, black hair against tanned skin. Her eyes ran over the second, and she felt her chest tighten as she recognized the woman. Demi, or Rhea, as everyone called her now.

Demi had a white and gold belt slung over her shoulder. Delilah stared before pulling out her phone and snapping a quick picture. She tore her eyes away as she headed down the block again, finding a small diner only a few doors down. She made her way inside and was seated in the near deserted restaurant.

Once she placed her order, she pulled up the picture, looking it over yet again. Her eyes found a date, and so she went online, finding where to buy a ticket. If her sister were in town, she may as well support her. She bought the ring sode ticket, paying for a seat right in front where Demi would have to see her, if she would even recognize the girl. She smiled as she found a second ticket, one that would allow her to go to the meet. She may as well do it, considering she wasn't doing this again.

The waitress carried over a plate with her dinner on it, setting it gently on the table. Delilah ate quietly, looking at picture after picture of her sister, her twin. Demi had changed a lot since she left, changing her hair from their natural blonde to black. Her makeup was dark, blue eyes shining in every picture. She couldn't stop her smile. Demi looked so in her element in the ring.

Delilah left cash on the table for her tab, more than enough to cover the meal. She made her way out the door, walking down the street to her car. She carefully loaded her 2 bags into her trunk before getting in the driver's seat. She pulled onto the road, making her way to her home.

Delilah's home was a 2-story place, 4 bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms. She locked the door as she walked in, carefully putting her shoes on the rack beside the door. She made her way to the staircase, heading upstairs and hung a right, going to the only door on that side of the hallway. She nudged the door open, revealing her bedroom. A king-sized bed sat pressed to the wall, dark red bedspread thrown aside lazily from where she'd crawled out of bed that morning. Her black sheets were wrinkled, pillows askew. She smiled as she spotted the pale pink bunny that sat on the bed. She'd been given it as a child. She set the dresses on her dresser, moving to the door across the room. She passed through into her bathroom, bare feet padding over the marble floors. The white on the ground clashed well with the black marble that tiled her shower. Black cabinets sat against the wall, sink sitting under the mirror that was lined with small light bulbs.

Delilah stripped down as her shower warmed up. The room was quickly filling with steam as she stepped under the hot water. Her muscles were sore. She let the hot water run over her skin, humming contently. She stood like that for a while, allowing her muscles to soak in the heat before she reached for her shampoo.

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