Hunting the First Prey.

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Bubba and Picky managed to find the building's laboratory, which was not as far away as expected. It was dilapidated, full of broken, empty bottles, papers scattered everywhere, and machinery that did not inspire the confidence of working.
But Bubba was convinced he could solve the enigma of that liquid. But it had to be quick; that could be from a light drug to the worst of poisons. Whatever it was, he had to find what was it, for KickinChicken's sake.

Bubba cared about Kickin. At first he was angry with him, but it lasted much less than expected. He wanted to make it up to him, but Kickin started avoiding him. He didn't ignore him or anything, but they did stop having the usual contact.
Bubba was unable to discover, despite all the theories, the reason behind Kickin's strange behavior. He soon gave up trying to get to him as a close friend, and it was enough to have a cordial relationship with him.

PickyPiggy was the other side of the coin.
In the presence of Kickin, Picky fumed. She would never forgive him for what happened with the note and the argument they had. She stopped talking to him, he ignored him and avoided him, and many times when he met him and they were both in a bad mood, it would end in riots in which someone else had to intervene to stop the chaos ensuing.
Still, Picky tried to be nice, just because Bubba couldn't stand this kind of conflict. But deep down, she preferred the situation to stay the way it was now.
She was jealous of KickinChicken.
Jealous of his social skills, his great relationship with the entire group, his bravery and courage. Everything that she longed for and she did not aspire to have.
So when she saw him on the ground with the syringe in his neck, before facing the escaped Rejected Critters, she had an initial tingle that went up her throat, as if of satisfaction.
But she kept those kinds of thoughts to herself.

They both went inside the laboratory. Bubba took the walkie-talkie out of his pocket and handed it to Picky.

PickyPiggy: Why are you giving me the walkie?

Bubba Bubbaphant: So that it doesn't come into contact with anything that will harm it. Now, I'm going to ask you from time to time to pass me some things, okay?

PickyPiggy: Sure!

Bubba spent a while investigating, while Picky looked around the laboratory, and handed instruments to Bubba in case he asked.
Eventually, Bubba managed to identify what it was.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Tranquilizers.

PickyPiggy: Tranquilizers? Like, sleeping pills or...?

Bubba Bubbaphant: We're lucky they didn't inject it all; There is enough tranquilizer here to burst a bull.

PickyPiggy: Well, inject it into BullyBull, let's see if he bursts, that bastard...

Bubba Bubbaphant: Kickin will surely suffer the effects soon. Muscle relaxation, fatigue, dizziness, delirium...but there is no danger of death.
I'm just glad we got there in time so they didn't inject him with anything else...

PickyPiggy: Now...should we go back?

Bubba Bubbaphant: Yeah, we should.

They both left the laboratory. They didn't talk much at first, but soon Picky brought up a topic of conversation.

PickyPiggy: Bubba, doesn't all this surprise you?

Bubba Bubbaphant: It depends. What do you mean by "all this"?

PickyPiggy: That the Rejected Critters knew our whereabouts so quickly...! If they were there, it's because they have something that helps them detect us.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Like what?

PickyPiggy: I don't know...maybe cameras? Or...wait...

Bubba Bubbaphant: What's up?

Smiling Critters 2: The Story Continues.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat