Bask in the Glow

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!!TW: Trigger/Content Warning!! Firstly, there is some graphic violence in the beginning of this chapter, but in comparison to how I usually write violence, it's not too bad.

Secondly, as I have mentioned in the notes of the last few updates, there is graphic sexual content at the end of this chapter. If you wish to skip that, it's totally fine and won't matter in terms of the progression of the story. I have put a little *~* on the left-hand side to mark when the smut starts and from there you can just skip the whole rest of the chapter as it's all smut after that. I will say that there's some kissing and heavy-petting before the official CW *~*.

There will be sexual content in future chapters as well, but they will always have a warning at the beginning. That being said, enjoy!



A flash of bright light flared red and orange through his closed eyelids. His eyes shot open and the singular object filling his vision was a long silver blade, glinting the light of the sun over his face as its wicked tip crept closer to his bare throat.

Harry jerked back in the water away from the blade and kicked his legs wildly to get away. But as he did that his wide eyes finally took in his surroundings and standing in the spring with him, he found a large dirty man covered in leathers and furs, baring yellow and brown teeth in a horrific grin. The man jabbed his sword closer to Harry as if to taunt him.

Harry turned to move towards the embankment, but then he saw another man, standing on the shore to his right, then another, and another and so-on. All around him.

He was surrounded.

Squeezing with all his magic, he tried to apparate away, but nothing.

Magical influx

He couldn't do shit without his wand. Which was sitting in the pocket of his trousers, on the grassy bank behind one of the men.

"She's a pretty one, ain't she?" The man in the water leered at him, bulging bloodshot eyes roving over Harry's barely clothed form. 'She?' Have they mistaken him for a woman then?

"Too bad she's been bred already. Think she'll fetch a better price with or without the sprog?" Another behind him mused, his wet and gravelly voice putrefying each vile word. Harry finally got his feet under him, so he wasn't flailing in the water, and he hunched down so low his chin nearly kissed the water as he readied himself for anything.

Harry was no stranger to fights. He'd been fighting all his life. He'd lead a war in which nearly every battle and duel had him at a disadvantage. Even without his magic, Harry usually wouldn't bet against his odds of making it out. But things were different now.

Harry kept his head and wide eyes on a constant swivel, trying to keep all the assailants in his sights while they bickered over his head about what price he'd fetch or how long it would take them to get Harry to their broker. And so, wandless, magicless, practically naked, and surrounded by enemies, Harry took what felt like the only option left for him.


Harry screamed at the top of his lungs with all the urgency and terror he could muster. The group of men froze around him with varying looks of confusion and sneering disbelief.

"Grod, you moron! That's a lad, you bleedin' nonce!" One of them roared with laughter, talking to the man still standing in the pool with Harry, who didn't look nearly as amused by this revelation.

His scarred lip pulled back in grotesque snarl, and he lifted his sword once more to point it at Harry. But before he would release his anger by sticking his blade through Harry's unguarded flesh, there was a whistle of cut air and a wet squelch that ripped their attention away from the wizard. The man who had still been cackling a moment ago was now silent and still as his dirty grey shirtfront bloomed with a dark red around the gleaming protrusion sticking from his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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