7. Questions

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The next time they came, it was nearly all of them.
Lupin, Black, James and Lily.

"I expect you are all caught up?"

Lily looked the same as she always did at there tea times, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears and little smile at the corner of her lips.

Sirius glared.

Remus looked at her thoughtfully.

And James looked a mixture of angry....and possibly constipated.

After serving Lily her usual tea and the men rejected theirs.

"What questions do you have for me?"

"You said after his parents died in the other timeline, Harry was sent to his aunt's why wasn't he given to one of his godparents?" Lupin started the conversation.

She thought they'd ask how the Potters died but she supposed they deduced how. Or maybe they'd ask later.

"The Longbottoms were injured after their own son was attacked." At their inquiring looks Harriet sighed, "They became catatonic after too many rounds of one of the unforgivables."

Eyes widened all around.

"Sirius Black was placed in Azkaban without trial for supposedly giving up the location of the Potters, killing Pettigrew and some unsuspecting muggles."

"I would never!" Sirius shouted.

"Of course you wouldn't. In the other timeline the Potters decided to have Pettigrew as their secret keeper because you all thought Sirius would be too obvious. Pettigrew betrayed you. Sirius came after the Potters died and instead of staying with his newly orphaned godson went after Pettigrew. Pettigrew blew up a street killing several muggles, cut off one of this fingers and escaped through the sewer system like the rat he is."

Harriet took a sip of her tea while the Potters looked at her with wide eyes.

"You know we are animagi." Lupin said.

Harriet listened out for anyone listening by the stair before flicking her wand and the equivalent of a Silencio descended around the parlor.

She turned back to Lupin, "I know you are a werewolf and in school your friends became animagi to help you through the full moon. Sirius is a Grim. Potter is a stag and Pettigrew a rat."

"I've been curious..." Lily started, "If you came from another dimension did you have magic then too?"

"I'm afraid to answer that question I'd need a vow from each of you on your magic that you wouldn't tell a soul."

"Why?" Sirius Black was indignant.

"That I can't answer without the vow."

Lily stood up her hand on her heart ignoring James shout of 'Lily'!

"I vow upon my magic that I won't tell a soul anything that my daughter Harriet Hyancinth Potter also known as Hyancinth Ravenclaw tells me unless she herself says I can. So mote let it be." A golden light surrounded her and then disspated.

Harriet's eyes were glimmering and she cleared her throat trying her hardest not to break down. Lily still thought of her as family, her daughter.

James let out, "Lily how could you?"

While Remus stood, "I vow upon my magic that I won't tell a soul anything that my pup Harriet Hyancinth Potter also known as Hyancinth Ravenclaw tells me unless she herself says I can. So mote let it be."

"Thank you."

Both Remus and Lily looked at Sirius and James.

They both rolled their eyes before standing and offering a generic version of what Lily and Remus both said, neither reflecting a relationship with her current self.

It wasn't as if she was expecting anything from them.

"Thank you."

"Well what's so secret that we couldn't tell anyone!" Sirius Black nearly shouted.

"My previous world didn't have magic like this one does. However I was something called a Tempest. I do not have a magical core like you all do."

"But we saw you cast!"

"With my version of a wand, with my kind of magic. It's all about intent."

"There's something more you are not telling us." Sirius Black could sniff out a secret like the dog he was.

"Yes." She took a sip of her tea. "Have you wondered why the second war peetered out? Why Lord Voldemort seemed to have disappeared along with his Death Eaters?"

"You! How?" Sirius looked absolutely incredulous.

"And why didn't you come home if it was safe?" Lily spoke up.

Answering Lily first, "At first I wasn't sure if what I did was enough. It took quite a few years to pass for me to realize I'd actually made a lasting change. And then it was guilt not bringing me back, after all would you still want me if you realized I wasn't really yours?"

"Yes." Lily's answer was immediate while her husband was quiet. Lily looked at him with a near furious gaze.

"What? If she hadn't come I would have had a son."

"And you would have died, never seeing him grow up. With her we are still alive, still able to love."

"She's not ours Lily."

"I somehow doubt that, if we did a paternity test I wonder what it would show."

"Tilly." A cute house elf in a uniform with the Ravenclaw crest popped beside Harriet, "Could you bring my inheritance test please."

"Of course my lady." With a pop she left only to pop back with parchment in hand, Harriet nodded toward the Potters.

Sirius raised an eyebrow, "Fae Chosen?"

She shrugged.

"So you are our daughter."

Harriet nodded, "In this dimension, yes."

Lily leaned forward, "And your other parents what were they like? You've told me about them before but..."

Harriet summoned a photograph she'd made of them before handing it to Lily who let out a laugh.

"It looks like if James and I were switched!"

Harriet supposed that was true, her father had had the flaming red hair and green eyes while her mother had the black hair with glasses.

For the first time since they arrived, James cracked a smile. "It kinda does, doesn't it."

"What was your last name?"

Harriet smiled, "Still a P name, Peters. My father was Lionel and mother was Jaime."

This time it was Sirius barked a laugh, "L & J!"

"And my name was always Harriet."

"Well I'll be d..."

"James!" Lily scolded.

From there things got easier. James and Sirius were still a bit stiff but they warmed up slowly after time.

Harriet could only hope this was the start of a new era.

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