Chapter 22: Trust but Verify

Start from the beginning

"You haven't known him for a long time." Lydia attempted to reason.

Diggle shook his head.

"Lydia, we both kept in contact with each other since we got stateside. Six months ago he even offered me a job at Blackhawk. Trust me, you don't know this man like I do."

"I know in Afghanistan his training specialty was M-32 multiple grenade launchers. The exact same weapon used in these heists and not exactly something that you find at your local sporting goods store."

"Two months ago, we found out this wasn't even your father's book. That it was written by whoever hired that other archer." Diggle pointed out, countering Oliver's statement.
"Doesn't that beg the question of what else you could be wrong about?"

"Lydia and I don't take the List at face value. We do research and background checks to find out why each name is on there. Now, maybe this evidence isn't enough for you, but it is for me. So I'm going to have a pointed conversation with Mr. Gaynor tonight, and we'll see what he has to say about it. I understand if you want to take the week off."

"Okay, let's slow down a little." Laurel interrupted.
"John, I understand that you don't like the idea of Gaynor not being the man you knew, but you can't let that cloud your judgment. However, Oliver, while this footage and the fact that Gaynor's name is on the List are good leads, it's not irrefutable evidence. So how about instead of you two just crossing your arms and doing whatever you want, we actually find a way to determine with full certainty whether or not Gaynor is guilty."

That suddenly gave Lydia an idea.

"We could put an inside man."

The others turned towards her.

"What are you thinking, Lyds?" Oliver asked.

"Gaynor offered Diggle a job at Blackhawk, right? So Diggle accepts it and then he can look into both Gaynor and Blackhawk without arousing suspicion. Hell, we can even heighten Gaynor's opinion of him by having Diggle fake protecting him from the Hood." she explained.
"Oliver still gets to have a mini-interrogation and Diggle can do his investigation to confirm whether Gaynor is innocent or not."

Lydia watched as Oliver and Diggle looked at each other, seeming to have a silent debate. After a few seconds Diggle raised his eyebrows and Oliver sighed.

"Alright. We'll try your suggestion, Lyds."


"Thea, I think you've tried just about every dress in the city."

Thea grinned over at her mother while holding up yet another black dress.

"Oh, it's so gonna be worth it. My friends are gonna freak."

Her mother looked at the dress in her daughter's hands, then at the bags she was holding herself, and shook her head.

"Yes, well, if your father were still alive, he'd freak too. Though in an entirely different way."

Thea giggled, the memories of how her father used to react to the outfits her little twelve-year-old self threw together. Looking back, not only were they an example of horrendous fashion sense, but she could definitely see the reason behind her dad's reactions.

"Like when he saw what I was wearing for my first boy-girl dance."

"Oh, that poor boy you went with. Robert scared him to death." her mother recalled with a smile.

Thea's smile fell slightly though.

"You know, dad used to say his saddest day would be when I turned 18." she commented.
"Now he's gone and I'm the one that's sad."

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