Chapter 15: From Bailey Andrew Smith to Bailey Ann Best !

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Bailey rolled over onto his side, feeling the warm sun on his bare legs, while the house's AC kept the room cool. It felt comfortable and he considered rolling back over and going back to sleep. He vaguely heard some muffled talking from the other room and figured it was just Aunt Meg talking on the phone... Bailey sat up with a jolt. Almost fully waking up and taking stock of his surroundings. The pink overalls were off, folded and put on top of the dresser along with a few bangles from his now naked wrists. His feet were the only thing still under the blanket and sheet and he was left wearing the cartoon panties, the my little pony shirt and bra. "I'm still at Megan's house and..." He looked down at himself, trying to remember how he got to bed let alone stripped of clothing. Last thing he remembered was the bitch using his phone and... "The bank!"

Bailey jumped out of bed and quickly put on his clothes. Putting on the juvenile overalls hadn't changed in feeling, but he was in a hurry. As he put on and hooked one of the shoulder straps his eye caught the digital clock in the room. It was twelve forty in the afternoon and as he realized it his knees felt weak. Plopping down on the edge of the bed he let out a huff, looking down at his bare feet. Did they always look so small? Was it just how he felt, or just the way his mind looked at girls' feet when he saw the painted toes. Bailey closed his eyes tight, gripping the bed sheet between his fingers. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.' The mental repetition slowly spread to a verbal one in a whisper, the word meant for only him. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Tilting his head back Bailey watched the fan spin for a moment. He still needed the phone to cut down on some of her bullshit, but it looked like he would have to be a good girl for the remainder of the weekend till he could call the bank on Monday. With a deep sigh Bailey left Becky's old room.

In the hallway the master bedroom door was right across from Becky's and while the door was closed he considered going in to look for his phone. Deciding to do just that he put his hand on the doorknob and stopped as he heard a males voice. Megan wasn't on the phone, someone was here! Bailey slowly and as silently as he could moved to the living room at the end of the hallway. Each step the feeling of dread creeped higher. He didn't want anyone to see him like this, but he needed to know who it was. Bailey was afraid to make a sound and tried holding his breath, but when that failed he opted for low breathing through his mouth. When he got far enough in the hallway he could make out a uniformed police officer. Seeing the badge, the belt with a gun and handcuffs Bailey's heart started to pick up. Did they come about last night? Were they going to take him in as a minor or did they know who he was and he would be carted off to full adult male prison dressed this way!

"We appreciate you being cooperative with us Mrs Best." Bailey heard a deep gravelly voice say. "Miss Best, I'm not married, though you two gentlemen can call me Megan." Was she flirting with the cops? What is she cooperating with, did she fucking rat me out? Bailey was trying to keep himself from panicking as he listened. "Well we still have no sign of him, but he would not have gotten far with this if he had it. Looks like he or someone wiped him out. We did speak with.." the deep voice paused and he heard papers moving before another male voice spoke.

"The ex girlfriend, your sister by the last name. She says they were fighting a few days before he left, but she indicated she believed he would be back and was only going away to try and help her, though she couldn't say with what." Mandy said I would be back, God bless that woman! Bailey pumped his arm and accidentally hit the wall.

"Bailey? Pumpkin is that you?" He held his breath again and didn't move. Then he saw her at the end of the hallway and waved him over. "Come out and meet the nice officers looking for your Mommy's ex boyfriend. They heard about you trying to use his card. Bailey did not want to come out and let two grown men, cops see him. It was too much of a risk and he wasn't going to put himself in that position. Turning slightly to go back to the room or the bathroom, a thought kept into his mind. 'A good girl is always obedient.'Bailey let out a whimper as he looked back at Megan. "Stop being so shy, come on out." Not ignoring her second command, Bailey walked out to the living room.

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