Chapter 2: the start of a new beginning

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Chapter 2: the start of a new beginning
After they got up Alice decided to continue to explore the school she had no idea why, when, what time it was or anything. All she remembered was that she was in the forest on a walk and hearing noises before falling into a hole that leads into a school. Alice then started to walk to the door about to leave but stopped and turned around and looked at sammy.  Sammy looked back at her  their eyes locked  together, then Alice spoke.  “Are you coming or not?” Sammy snapped out of trance and nodded yes. Then Sammy gets up and walks over to Alice. Alice walked out the door and continued to explore the school while Sammy was following her. Alice felt someone following her and when she turned around Sammy was...gone! Alice started to look around for him. “This is not funny sammy!” Alice shouted. There is no response, Alice was alone in the dark, Sammy was gone and she could barely see the sun was going down.  “Sammy, where are you!” Alice shouted there was a hint of fear. Then she heard a scream. Alice started to follow the scream. “Sammy, can you hear me!” Alice yelled at the top of her lungs. The screams started to get louder and then it stopped. Alice could not hear Sammy anymore.

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