Part One

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I wake up in complete darkness. I unlatch my coffin and fall out, I dont usally fall but im extra tired today, I was up all night worrying about joining human school. They always get scared of me even when my fangs arent out, probably because i dress like the rest of my family, thick eyeliner and long lacey black dresses. I have to put on this horrible uniform: dark green blazer, green and white plaid skirt, and really tight tights. Luckly, you can do choose your own shoes as long as their not trainers so I wear REALLY CHUNCKY heeled boots.

I walk out from my large gothic manor and walk to where im supposed to, left, forward,right,right,left,forward- wait i was supposed to go left, SHIT WHERE AM I! I begin to shake, I look around, looking unsure and stressed. I feel a claw tap on my shoulder.

'Hey are you oka-' I hiss at them, I feel my fangs come out but i quickly hide them. Its a girl, shes about 6ft really tall compared to me. She has really broad shoulders and a muscler build, she looks like she could crush me.

'Y-yeah im fine im just a bit lost' I sigh.

'Hey we're wearing the same uniform, Im guessing were both going to the same school.' she said to me looking me up and down. id been so distracted by her beauty I hadnt noticed.

'Oh yeah we are.' I say very awkwardly, GOD WHATS WRONG WITH ME!

'We can walk together if you want, y-you dont have to though dont feel pressured to.' She says to me looking worried and scared id hiss again.

'OF COURSE DONT BE SCARED!' I say to her 'COME ON LETS GO!!!' I say grabbing her hand. I feel her claws digg into my hand but not in an aggressive way but in a affectionate way.

'whats your name by the way?' she asks me.

'im Marya, Marya Faust.' I say 'Whats yours?'

'Im Kim.' she says 'Oh and my surname is Sterling.'

'Thats actually a really pretty name, same as your face-' I cut myself off.

'Are you fliting with me Marya Faust?' Kim says.

'Maybe...' I say unsure.

'Its fine i think your pretty too' She says looking down at me smilling.I fear im blushing so I look down so my hair covers my face.

Theres a really long silence until she says 'Hey we're here, Wait i didnt ask you how old you are.'

'im 16' I say. before you ask 'I thought you where a vampire wouldnt you be like 16000?' well our aging doesnt slow down until we are 25 If we are born a vampire but if you where bitten you stay the age you where.

'Ah, so am I!' she says looking excited. 'I'm praying we are in the same form, Our teacher said someone new was joining and its really uncommon for someone new to start in the middle of march.'

'I hope too, which teacher do you have?' I ask

'Mr Abbott' she says 'I really hate him hes got some serious anger issues!'

'looking forward to that' I say sarcastically. 'I have him too.'

'Its 7:50 and form starts at 8:25 so we have a lot of time to kill' She says enthusiastically 'What do you wan to do?'

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