───────I V Y      M O R E L L I ────

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"EZRA can you just open the fucking door!" I exclaimed loudly, knocking for the millionth time. I knew he could hear me and I knew I was probably disturbing the other people that lived on the same floor as him but I truly did not care. Although I loved Ezra to bits, he was such a pain in the ass.

All I can hear is shuffling behind the door but still neither my brother or the dumbass he lives with were capable of opening it. Miya and I look like two fools standing out here in the hall with a bunch of suitcases surrounding us as if we had just gotten kicked out of the apartment.

The door finally swings open revealing a shirtless boy with wet dark brown hair who definitely is not my brother. Remember the dumbass I said he lives with? Yeah well I was referring to his best friend Luca who clearly just got out of the shower.

Luca Castellanos.

A complete pain in the ass just like Ezra. Hence why they have been inseparable since kindergarten. And I have had to deal with them for what feels like forever.

Unfortunately for me Luca also happened to be a 6'3 Greek basketball player. His glossy dark hair looked good on every occasion that I did get to see him. He was so effortlessly handsome. Pink full lips, hazel eyes that I could get lost into any day and his body. Lets not get started on his athlete body that was filled with dainty tattoos. There was so much more to his appearence than just his basketball height and I really wasn't suprised. Even out of training, him and Ezra were in and out of the gym. Day and night.

Over the years, I had learnt how to keep my feelings and desires aside. It wasn't like I saw Ezra and Luca often. But when I did, he was so fucking hard to resist.

Him being an asshole was the only thing that kept me controlled. I mean people were one day gonna get bored of the same old cocky jocky personality he had going on. He was nice to me sometimes, other times it was like he had it out for me.

They were both at UCLA mainly for basketball with the hopes of getting drafted soon and I knew they both would. They were animals when it came to that sport and neither one of them messed around. Everybody knew that they were an untouchable duo and they both had quite the social media following. Especially Luca who had sponsor after sponsor and multiple brands wanting to partner with him because everybody was aware of the future that boy had ahead of him.

I, on the other hand was at USC studying Psychology whilst still planning out my own skincare business called Blossom. My brother being the Ezra Morelli and my father, Alessandro Morelli who was one of the most successful business men out there put a bunch of spotlight onto me already. My social media following was quite high and that meant people always knew what I was up to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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