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I woke up to the smell of fresh eggs coming from the kitchen. I struggled to keep my eyes open and tried to crawl out of my bed. My bladder was desperate for a wee so I took myself to the bathroom. I did my business, washed my hands and went to the closet.

I quickly decided I wanted to go to the library today in hopes of seeing Will again, so I wanted to wear something that would make me look good but was also casual enough for him not to think I'm a slut or anything, and acceptable for work later. Eventually I decided on a simple black pencil skirt, tights and a slightly oversized jumper. I put my hair up in a claw clip and just put on some mascara and a tiny bit of concealer.

I walked into the kitchen where Jamie was stood at the stove cooking scrambled eggs on toast.
"Clare's gone out to work already but I made you a plate if you want some" He said dishing up the food.
"Yes please I'm starving" I took my seat on the island and thanked him for breakfast.
He sat down beside me. "You look nice today, are you planning on going anywhere" He looked me up and down.
"Um yeah, I'm gonna pop down to the library again before work. I didn't quite finish what I was writing yesterday, and I fancy a latte" I said and took a bite of the perfect eggs. "My god these are delicious, you seasoned them perfectly"
He shrugged, "I know how you like them"
Jamie took another bite of his food, swallowed and began talking again.
"Please don't tell me you're actually going to see that guy again. I know you finished the chapter you wrote yesterday, you left your laptop open in the lounge"

I scoffed, "you caught me, but I'm not getting my hopes up for nothing, his insta says he's single and our age!"
He looked at me disappointed with wide eyes, "you looked him up?!" He said shocked.
"Ugh yes I'm sorry, anyways I'm gonna get ready to go, it's about 10 so he should be there about now"

I thanked him for the meal and went to brush my teeth in my bathroom, I checked myself out in the mirror and the outfit I picked looked good. I picked out some black boots, they had a thick heal which I guess is good because Will is so tall. He practically towered over me when we met. He's like 6'5" or something! He makes Jamie seem small and he's 6'3".

I gave Jamie a quick hug and left the apartment. The lift was still stuck so I had to take far too many stairs to get to the garage. I hopped into my car and drove off.

the library•

I pulled up and turned the car off. My bag was in the back seat so I leaned over to grab it, careful to not break my laptop inside. I locked my car and walked into the building. I scanned the room. He's not here.
for fucks sake

I decided I was going to make the most of it, I mean I did drive all the way, I may as well not waste fuel. On that thought I walked over to the cafe in the corner and ordered myself a caramel latte in a to go cup. I know I was gonna stay, but they don't allow the fancy mugs in the library section. And there's where I was going to sit. Plus they're nicer to drink from!

I got my coffee and walked to my usual table in the library. I set myself up and just then the bell on the door rang. I looked up hopefully. He was here. Today he was wearing black cargos and a grey hoodie. He had a necklace hanging out of it, i couldn't tell what it was from a distance but when he started walking in my direction it became clear. It was a small silver paper airplane on a chain. He had the sleeves of his hoodie rolled up. I could see his veiny forearms and tattoos. He had patchwork on one arm and a sleeve up the other. I saw he had a palm tree up the outside of his arm. I wasn't usually attracted to tattoos but my god he was so hot.

I started to stare at my screen pretending not to be looking at him as he walked over. While I was so deep in the thought of how stupidly stunning he was I heard the familiar voice from yesterday.
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
He had the voice of an angel.
My head shot up to look at him, "yeah of course, take a seat"
I looked back down at my laptop in a panic. He sat himself across from me and got his own laptop out.

We sat for a few minutes before he broke the silence. "Sorry to bother you but-"
I looked up at him and he paused.
"I'm doing analysis on this piece, what do you think she meant by this line?" He turned his laptop screen around.
"Uh yeah, let me read" I glanced over the line, i give you an onion. I studied this poem in my last job.
"Well I guess you could say that she's appreciating the small things, Duffy has always been one to reject common stereotypes, so instead of a classic gift she gives something meaningful with layers. Like an onion"
I look into his eyes and he's watching what I'm saying so carefully, almost with admiration.

"Thank you so much, that totally makes sense."
He said. He dropped his head and shook it to himself.
"Is every thing okay?" I say to him full of confusion.
"Yeah sorry, that's not actually why I came over here, for help yk, I actually kinda just wanted to talk to you if you don't mind"
I chuckled.
"That's okay"
He responded eagerly, "Do you think you might like to go out, if you're not to busy that is?"
I was so surprised, and excited all at the same time. I could feel my heart was beating in my chest. "Now?"
He nodded and I agreed.

word count: 1060

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