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amber's pov

Moving down to Brighton was probably wasn't one of the best decisions I've made. I moved down south for my work and the idea of living my life having constant fun but it's been anything but that. My knew job isn't exactly what I thought it'd be. Instead of writing my own stuff like I was promised, I've been reading over and correcting all my bosses work. Some days are 9 to 5 in the business building and others are spent in my local library trying to write something original.

There's a guy in the library who comes in every day to grab a coffee and sit down with a book. It's always the same one though, and it's not even good. I read it once and swore to myself to never pick it up again. But the guy is cute so I guess I can let his awful taste slide.

I hate to admit it but I miss welly, you know the town in England where if you give someone the wrong look you'll probably get stabbed. I miss it. It's been three months, and I really like living with Jamie and Clare but it's so different here. Everyone is so oddly happy, or extremely sad; no inbetween. But mainly happy.

I don't really know how to do this journal thing so I'll probably sign off now, I can't concentrate on what I'm writing since the library is just so busy today. The constant movement of people walking around distracts me. I don't know when I'll catch up on this thing next or whether I'll forget about it in a few days, but I'll be back?

Bye, Amber x

the library•

I placd my journal down, took off my headphones, and there he was again. The most gorgeous man i think i have ever set my eyes on. He had incredible dark brown hair with curls that complimented his sharp, square jawline so well.

He was carrying a duffel bag in his left hand with a bottle of water in his right. He's wearing a tight black muscle top and grey joggers which show off every part of him. You can see his defined abs through his muscle shirt in such detail it's as if he's topless. He must of just came straight from the gym. He walked over to the counter and ordered his usual, black coffee in a to go cup.

my god he's so hot I thought to myself.

I pulled myself out of my stare and put all my belongings into my bag. I pushed my chair back and stood up. My eyes locked with a dreamy pair of chocolate coloured eyes, clear as crystals. I nearly got lost in them until a low, soft voice broke my trance.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you"
He said. I scanned him up and down and quickly realised it's the man I haven't been able to keep my eyes off for the past few weeks.

my god his voice is just as sexy as he is.

"No it's okay, I should've looked before standing up. Sorry" I replied.
"I'm Will, it's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too Will, I'm Amber" I automatically replied unsure of what to say.
"Well I guess I'll see you around then Amber" He gently touched my side as he continued to move past me. I looked back and he had sat at the table next to my usual seat. His eyes met mine again and he smiled. I smiled back before hastily turning around and beginning to walk off.

amber's apartment•

Clare was in the kitchen starting to prepare for dinner. It smelt delicious.
"Mmmm, is that steak?" I called out from the living room.
She called back, "sure is, it'll be ready in about 10 minutes is that okay?"

I entered the kitchen and nodded with a wide grin on my face.
Clare spoke. "How was the library? You look happy"
I paused before blurting out,
"I spoke to him!!"
Her jaw dropped, "You spoke to him?!"
"Yes!  and oh my god, his voice, his eyes, his hair", I continued. "He's so beautiful up close"
"Uh Amber, as much as I dig your little crush on this guy, you spoke to him for like 2 minutes and you already sound obsessed" she shrugged.
"Did you even get a name?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm not obsessed!? I don't even know him, I just happen to find him extremely attractive, and you would too if you saw him." I sighed. "And yeah, he's called Will"

I sat down at the kitchen island as Clare placed a plate infront of me. She had made a flawlessly seasoned, juicy steak with creamy mash and asparagus on the side. One of my favourites.
Just then I heard keys turn in the door.
"I'm home!" Jamie shouted. "The lift has broke again, I had to take like 200 stairs"
He went over and hugged Clare before sitting down next to us with his plate.
"That's weird, I came home like 20 minutes ago and the lift was fine then" I told him just before taking a mouthful of my food. "Mmm Clare this is amazing, you should make this more often"

Clare sat across from us and continued our conversation from earlier. "So he's called will?"
I looked up and swallowed before speaking, "uh yeah but that's all I know, he was really sweet though, he bumped into me and apologised straight away" I took another bite of my steak which immediately melted away in my mouth.
"I know his name and the town we live in, I might try find his instagram or something."

Jamie coughed at my statement and Clare glared at me concerned.
She spoke, "so much for not being obsessed, but I doubt it's a good idea, and it won't be easy to find him."
Jamie jumped into the conversation, "yeah Will is like the most common name ever, there will be about a million of them just in our area"
I sat for a moment, "yeah I guess you're right, it will be pretty hard to find him"
I picked up my empty plate and placed it into the dishwasher.

the evening in bed•

I tossed around unable to get to sleep. My duvet had practically wrapped itself around me and I couldn't get comfortable. On top of that I couldn't stop thinking about Will. I know I only spoke to him once, but what if he is the one for me, what if he's thinking about me too.

On that thought I picked up my phone and went onto instagram. In the span of 5 minutes I found someone who looked like him. And his name was Will. Found him. His account had about 100 followers and only a few posts. I saw one with him kissing a woman on the cheek. Oh.

I pressed on it careful not to double tap. She had a cake and it looked like a birthday, I checked the caption.

Happy 50th birthday Mum 🎉🥳
You've been the best mother I could ever ask for, thank you for the past 23 years!❤️

Relief surged through my body, just his mum. And he's 23, perfect. I scanned the rest of his page to search for a partner. Clare's words ran through my head and I eventually decided to turn my phone off and go to bed.

word count: 1255

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