21. Kids With Bloodline

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Roman: You and Roman both wanted a big family so yall had 7 kids. Which concluded of two sets of twins and a set of triplets. 3 boys, 4 girls.  The first set was a boy and girl which you named Julia and James. The second set was two boys which you named Leati Jr. And Fetu. The set of triplets consisted of three girls which all had names like Catherine, Caitlin and Kate. Of course all their last names were immediately put into Anoa'i because Roman wouldn't have it any other way.

Jimmy: Jimmy and yourself agreed to have one child until you were finished  your masters degree for your teaching job. Yall had a little girl that you named Allison Marianna Fatu.

Jey: He was a man who wanted you to have as many kids as you want. To start off you had a little girl name Jaylynn Grace Fatu. A couple of years later you guys had a little boy that he named Alex Joshua Fatu.

Solo: Since yall were still young you guys just wanted to have one child but ended up with two little hell raisers. The girl you named Katniss Abigail Fatu after your favorite character from the hunger games. Your little twin boy Joseph decided to name him Kevin Solofa Fatu.

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