9. Jimmy Uso- Missed me

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It's been awhile since you, your husband, and kids have all been together under the same roof. With his busy schedule you had little to no time with him. "Mummy where's daddy," Y/d/n asked as she was still to young to understand what her father did for a living. "He'll be home soon I hope," You reply just as you picked her up and began to dance with her.

"Mummy can we call daddy," Y/s/n asked as he really missed him too. "Go pick up your toys then we will," you answer as you make your way back out to the kitchen to grab your phone.

To say this wasn't taking a toll out on you was an understatement, you were constantly drained and exhausted since it was only you taking care of the twins. Need less to say you really wished your husband was home so you could get a few minutes of shut eye.

Once the kids finished cleaning up their toys you and them sat down on the couch as you were getting ready to call Jonathan. Ring! Ring! Your phone rang and rang with no answer from him. "Mummy is daddy mad at us," your son asks as you see a few tears stream down your daughters face. "No Y/s/n daddy's busy but I'm sure he'll call before supper," you reply while giving your son that little bit of hope you had left.

It was around bedtime for the twins by now and you still hadn't gotten a call from Jonathan. Both of you kids were sad but so were you, he's always called before they've gone to bed. "Mummy when's daddy coming back," your daughter cried as she was really missing her father putting her to bed. " I don't know honey," you reply as you tucked her in, gave her a kiss goodnight, and then left the room.

It was around midnight by now as you were laying in Jonathan's and your bed as tears fell down your face. When is he coming home, you thought as a sound of something being dropped made you jump out of your bed.

As you made your way to the kitchen you see a tall figure which seemed to look like your husband. "Jonathan please tell me it's you," You say hoping that you were not imagining the whole thing. "Missed me baby," he asked as he captured your lips into a kiss.

"Missed you is a damn understatement. Me and the twins have been missing you so damn much. But in all seriousness you got to start being here for them. Y/d/n and Y/s/n started crying cause they missed you," You reply as you both stand in a tight embrace. "It's okay baby. Imma be home more. I promise," Jonathan says as he gives you one more deep and passionate kiss.

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