the redundant letter

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Rereading the letter sounded cringey and pushy. Especially written for someone who I've only met for about a month, so I scratched that letter and rewrote an improved version: one that didn't sound too forceful and creepy and with better handwriting. And yet, it never reached him.



As I write to you this letter, I question if I'll ever have the guts to send it to you. I ponder on whether how I feel for you is real or just a passing crush. Yet I can't help but wonder if you would ever be able to reciprocate how I feel. But whether it reaches you or not, I'm writing it anyway in hopes that my feelings concealed within these pages would be known by you.

I'm conflicted. It's ridiculous to me how I can feel this way about someone I've never met. I barely even know you, maybe you don't even know me. But speculate if you must, you may think I've written a thousand love letters in my life when in reality, there is only two: the one you hold now and its first draft. This is new to me but I want you to know that there's a girl out there who admires you and although she's terrified, she's willing to try.

As I quietly write this at 2am, a growing pain inside tells me my regrets if I sit and do nothing. I'm yearning to know more about you but our short, brief conversations has told me almost nothing. aif this reaches you, should you want to, can i get to know you? Humbly, I cannot reveal myself unless you tell me a definite yes.

Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. May only bright news come your way.



Not long after I wrote this letter, I gathered the remaining courage and dignity in me to wish him good luck for his final exams. Immediately, I logged out and continued on with my day.

At about 2am that night, my heart pounding in my chest, I logged back in, telling myself that it's okay if he didn't reply. And then I read his reply, sent approximately 30 minutes after my text:

"you too, islaa!!!! slay this final so that next sem we'll be on the stage again!!"

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