Giyuu x Reader (sad p2)

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A/n: should I make this its own book???

SUM: Giyuu wakes up reborn, not alongside Shinobu, but as a demon slayer in training many years after Muzan's defeat. However, a strange connection to the wisteria house and a recurring dream of a purple-eyed woman hints at his other life and an unfulfilled promise.

Giyuu uncovers his past life and his star-crossed connection to Shinobu. He encounters an ancestor or someone who remembers the legendary Hashira. "Reincarnation", fate, and the enduring power of love.


Head throbbing. Wisteria scent too strong.

My eyelids flickered opened.

"Wisteria? No, this can't be..." A dash of confusion, then a jolt of realization. "Dead. I'm dead. But...where?" My gaze sweeps the unfamiliar wooden interior, the dim light revealing a room furnished in a style far older than the Taisho era.

A knot of dread forms in my stomach. Panic starts to claw at the edges of my mind. "This isn't the afterlife. This isn't where she is."

A bright ray blinded me, too bright. It's supposed to be dark.

The air hung heavy with the scent of woodsmoke and something faintly floral, unfamiliar yet strangely comforting. I pushed himself up on one elbow, wincing at the dull ache radiating from my shoulder. I vaguely remembered the final battle, the searing pain of Muzan's attack, the promise whispered to a fading vision of e/c eyes. Dead. I had to be. But this wasn't the eternity I'd expected.

A low creak drew my attention to the doorway. A young woman, her face a timeless look, strangely etched by time, stood framed in the dim light. Her gaze, surprisingly sharp for her age, held me captive.

Yoshiyuki," she spoke, her voice raspy but strangely melodic. "Would you like some breakfast?."

My heart hammered against my ribs. "Who are you? Where am I?" I forced the words past the lump in his throat.

A knowing smile played on the woman's lips. "Yoshiyuki," she gestured around the room, "Have you gotten a fever? How are you?."

Yoshiyuki? A familiar sound on her lips, I swore I have never heart that before. But still. Hope, a fragile thing I'd thought long buried, flickered within him. "I'm still alive. Huh?" my voice cracked on the last word, a stark vulnerability I hadn't allowed himself to show in years.

The woman's smile softened. "My my, Yoshiyuki, you hasn't recovered yet, how are you going to prepare for the mission soon?"

I gripped the rough straw mat beneath me. "Mission. Where's L/n?"

"I'm right here Yoshiyuki, you really do have a fever," the woman continued, her voice taking on a more serious tone. "Master will be meeting you later, be prepared."

A vision of Y/n's gentle smile flashed in my head. The weight of my oath settled on me, heavy and unwavering. "Master?."

The woman's smile became knowing once more. "Just get yourself sorted Yoshiyuki, prepare yourself. You're acting peculiar, didn't you get any rest?"

I steeled himself, my hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of a katana that wasn't there. "For her," I rasped, my voice firm, "I will face anything."

She sighed, "I'll get you some water to wash yourself, get ready Yoshiyuki." As she stepped through the doorway, I called out:

"Call me Giyuu, Tomioka Giyuu. From now on."

If this is my last chance to live, I'll live as the one she loved.



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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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