3. Sanemi x Reader (Angst?)

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The air crackled with anticipation, the scent of steel and sweat thick in the humid pre-dawn. The Hashira stood poised, blades glinting in the pale light, but your gaze was fixed on Sanemi. He was a storm in human form, his usual scowl even deeper, eyes like chipped obsidian.

You fiddled with the straps of your haori, throat tight with a fear you couldn't voice. This was it. The final battle. The thought of leaving him, even for a moment, clawed at your heart.

A rough hand cupped your cheek, turning your face to his. His eyes softened, a flicker of something you'd never seen before – vulnerability. Then, his lips crashed upon yours, a searing, desperate kiss.

Tears pricked your eyes, surprise and something else, something deeper, blossoming in your chest. He tasted of salt and steel, of fear and fierce determination, but beneath it all, a sweetness that took your breath away.

His kiss was a confession, a torrent of unspoken words unleashed in a single, bruising embrace. He pulled away, leaving you breathless, his gaze searching yours. In that moment, the world narrowed down to just the two of you, the battle looming large forgotten.

"Come back to me," he rasped, his voice thick with emotion. "Promise me."

The raw vulnerability in his voice shattered your remaining defenses. You nodded, tears spilling down your cheeks, the salt mingling with the sting of his kiss.

"I promise," you whispered, your voice barely audible.

He cupped your face again, wiping away the tears with a calloused thumb, a gesture surprisingly gentle. "Then fight like hell," he growled, his voice regaining its usual edge. "Live for me, you idiot."

A shaky laugh escaped you, relief washing over you. He was still Sanemi, your gruff, infuriating, and somehow utterly lovable Sanemi. But now, he was yours, and you were his, a truth whispered in a tear-stained kiss before the storm.

As you joined the other Hashira, your heart ached, but it beat with a newfound resolve. You would fight, not just for humanity, but for a future where you would hold him close, savoring the taste of sun-kissed skin and stolen moments. You would fight, because you had a promise to keep, a love to claim when the dust settled, and the battle was won.

And as you charged into the fray, Sanemi's words echoed in your mind, a beacon in the chaos: "Come back to me." You would. You had to.

(Honestly, I don't know why I'm writing so much, so many ideas...) 

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