the first time i saw him (2)

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ethans pov:

it was a couple hours after school now, i had a fairly crappy day mr.martin was picking on me the whole lesson and the new girl,
what was her name again, ahh lila she was being very friendly a little too friendly for my liking and my friends kept teasing me that she liked me
i didnt even bother answering them i just walked off as soon as the bell rang, since then i have been sat in the feild on the swing set.
i saw the doors swing open across the feild and saw this boy walk out, he had this beautiful black hair short but long enough that i could play with it. his eyes hidden behind thosse glasses the turqouse colour was amazing in this light.
as i was staring at him i saw mr.martin walk out behind him i didnt want to be seen so i turned away and focused my eyes on a near by tree.
there was a nice breeze making my golden hair wave around i lifted my hand to fix it only for it to be met by someone elses hand
i was shocked i thought my dark haired boy had come over but when i looked up i was met with lila
i look into her eyes and smiled she sat on the swing next to me and we sat in silence for a few secs before she grabed my hand and said
"heyy..ethan urrmm idk how to say this i know we only met a couple of days ago but.. i think i really like you haha sorry"
i was surprised at first i scaned the area for my dark haired boy but he was gone
i felt like it was too mean to say no, how would i explain that too her how could i tell her that i was in love with him
"oh yeah you do?..." i finally said
"i like you too lila" i said this not even realising what i had told her trying to not hurt her feelings
she smiled and started to blush "really you do?! well why dont we go out this weekend what about saturday?"
i just nodded in reply and said that i had to leave.

the next day:

i had put in the request to move classes a while ago i never liked mr. martin so i was glad to hear i was finally moving
i met up with my new teacher in the hall way and she walked me into the class and introduced me.
"why dont you go and sit in the back next to noah"
as she said that i looked around and saw a boy lift up his head. i felt like pinching myself this could not be real i was going to sit next to him
i felt like an eternaty as i walked over to him it seemed as if time had slowed.
"hi, im noah" he said
"ohh hi im ethan haha" i said trying not make it seem obvious i was nervous
i told him about why i had moved classes and then we spent the rest of the lesson getting to know each other and it was nice
as the bell rang it felt like i was being ripped out of a dream.
he stood up and said "well ethan it was nice to meet you we should hang out sometime"

i dont know why but that made me really happy.


thank you for reading i know its not a great story but who doesn't love a cheesy and i mean really cheesy romance book
i know it was quick for lila to ask ethan out in like the second chapter but idkkk sorry my loves

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