Chapter 82

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Paradise House, Ballynacally, County Clare, Ireland

The doors to Paradise House were opened wide when they arrived. A lone butler, dressed in an immaculate uniform greeted them. He seemed meek, almost broken, with thinning gray hair. Refusing to make eye contact, the butler said, "This way." Then he turned around, and started walking away from them.

Roman glanced at Bo with a raised eyebrow, but they followed behind. Roman looked around the massive entryway with a sneer. Stefano was always living in the lap of luxury while he'd left Roman to rot in jail in the jungle for nearly seven years. The high ceilings were edged with snow white painted crown molding. The floor was tiled in marble, inlaid with copper edging. Extravagance littered every surface, ornate frames, brass candelabras, and Roman wondered how many other people Stefano had rotting in substandard living conditions while he lived like a king.

Shane was watching everything, and everyone. Nothing escaped him, and he couldn't afford to miss anything. By the time they reached the large, over-decorated dining room, he had made a mental note of every camera they had passed, even the ones Stefano thought were hidden. He'd memorized the layout of the house that had been delivered by his ISA informant. Gabe had a talent well beyond being an undercover operative. His scale on the floor plan was near perfect.

Upon entering the empty dining room, Bo noticed the large wooden table laid with fine china, and the most expensive crystal. Stefano was preparing for a show. He remembered some of the extreme things Stefano was known for, crashing airplanes, and stranding people on deserted islands. Bo still had nightmares about holding Roman in his arms as life drained from him on that abandoned beach almost eleven years earlier. Even though Roman was alive and well, there were still times when Bo woke, covered in sweat and screaming his brother's name. He glanced towards the fireplace with the marble mantle, and he said, "Somebody's living the high life."

"He sure is," Roman mumbled in disgust.

"Stick to the plan," Shane said quietly, sensing Roman's agitation. "We stick to the plan. It's the only way to make sure that John and Marlena are alive. Once we know, we can move from there."

"I just want to get Doc, and get the hell out of here," Roman told him.

Shawn watched his son warily, "It won't be that easy, Roman. We need to stick with Shane's plan... don't be doin' anything rash, ye hear me?"

Roman didn't respond. His father, Bo, and Shane had been treating him like a child for the last week. He didn't understand why they didn't seem to have a greater sense of urgency. Marlena had been gone for close to seven months. Six months of that time had been with John. Stefano had spent the whole duration pushing John and Marlena closer and closer together. Roman was well aware that he and Marlena had both made mistakes, but he still hoped that they would be able to work things out. All he needed was time to talk to her, without the interruption of his family, Stefano, or John. Marlena would understand when he explained everything. He just needed time.

Almost a half hour later they'd been served drinks, but still sat alone in the dining room. Roman stood up, pushing his chair back so hard it fell to the oriental carpet with a dull thud. "I'm going to look for her. I'm tired of waiting."

"No, ye ain't," Shawn said forcefully. "Ye'll be sittin' yerself down."

"This type of reaction is exactly what Stefano wants from you. It's what he expects, and he's probably somewhere watching," Bo told him. "He's watching, and you're playing right into his hands."

Shane sighed. This whole week was exhausting. It had been a constant tug and pull with Roman. Roman had no idea, but they'd all taken shifts during the nights simply to make sure he didn't sneak away, and do something impulsive or stupid. "Roman," he said as calmly as he could, "Stefano is playing games. He always does. He will arrive, as will Marlena and John. We simply have to be patient, and play the game by his rules right now."

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