Chapter 80

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March 1983

Capri, Bay of Naples, Italy

Gina rolled towards John, her dark chestnut hair cascading over her shoulder in soft waves, as she stroked her fingers over his bronzed bare chest. He stared up at her with a satiated, drowsy look. The one that said he'd just had sex and it was amazing. A soft breeze came through the French doors, caressing their naked bodies like the softest brush of skin, and carrying the scent of rosemary and bougainvillea. She sighed. John was being unnaturally quiet, and that was concerning - since he was already a man of few words. Sliding her heated body along his, she whispered, "You're thinking very loudly, Father Black."

He was thinking about the plan they had concocted to leave Stefano. It had to be perfect, with all of the details worked out, or it would fail. Even a perfect plan had the potential to fail when he was going against Stefano DiMera. "I think we should move early... Let's not wait two more weeks. We should go soon... possibly in the next few days. I don't trust this plan, Gina. I know we have everything in place, and it should be fool proof, but I have a sinking feeling that something is going to happen," he said softly, rolling towards her. Her skin felt like the soft velvet under his finger as he stroked her cheek. He couldn't lose her, and if Stefano had his way they would be separated, and John... John would lose himself completely. Pretending to be a priest was difficult enough. He was the furthest from being a priest. A life of celibacy was not for him. What Stefano was asking of him was impossible. "Stefano... he's too quiet. We haven't had communication from him since he told me of his plan to send me to that podunk town in America so I can play papi to a passel of brats that aren't mine, and pretend love some fucking head shrink. His silence is... making me nervous."

Gina smiled at him indulgently, "We stole Stefano the prized Monet he wanted. We deserve a chance to relax. That's what this is. You should enjoy it, darling." Rubbing her cheek across his hand, she whispered, "You know La Grenouillère was quite difficult to replicate. It was even harder to steal and replace. We deserve this time."

"Your copy was a masterpiece," John said softly. It was possible that Gina was right. Stefano could be so happy with his newly acquired Monet that he was distracted, but John's gut told him differently. He'd put up too much of a fight when Stefano had told him of his next assignment. He should have kept his mouth shut. "We could leave next week," he told her, deep in thought. "We could... leave early, and what would it hurt?"

Pushing herself up on her elbow, she felt her breasts brush against John's arm, "Make love to me."

He groaned. Wrapping his arm around her roughly, he jerked her body up and over his tangling them in the red satin sheets. "Are you trying to distract me, Princess?"

"Distractions are nice," she said, licking along his jawline. Her hand slid over his hip, wrapping around his lengthening cock. She smiled when his body jerked. "Distractions with you are fucking heaven."

With a smirk, he twisted his fist in the sheets, tugging them off of her, while staring at her body. How could he be ready to sink into her heat so soon after making love to her? With a growl, he asked her, "You want me to fuck you?"

"You know I do," she told him, sliding her wet arousal over the length of his cock with a soft moan.

John smirked at her, crossing his arms over his head, "Ride me."

As Gina sank down onto John's length, allowing him to fill her, she moaned and shuddered with desire... and guilt. Stefano was coming for Father John Black, and she felt some sadness at the thought of losing him. He was an amazing lover, and Greta adored him, but he was also a complication. She felt herself falling for him, and that was something she didn't need. No, it was best to allow Stefano to have his mercenary back, and she could go on with her life.

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