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Edwin's eyebrows furrowed as he stared at A'Riauna, waiting for an answer. "I only answered the call..." She mumbled, taking a sip of her drink, trying to avoid the persistent stares she was receiving from Edwin. It felt weird. It was like she was meeting a stranger for the first time. "Yet you touched my phone?" Edwin sighed, who knows what she'd find if she not only answered the call but went through it? "Do you not trust me?" Edwin sat back in his chair. He was completely ignoring his sister who seemed immersed in the situation.

It was like watching a soap opera for Sylvia. Her eyes dart to A'Riauna waiting for her answer to Edwin's questions. "If you say it like that then it'll make you look even more suspicious. Why are you so hung up on me touching your phone? I mean, I know I didn't ask, but you're going all out."

Sylvia held her hands to her lips, she was immediately going to take A'Riauna's side. She wasn't wrong after all. If Edwin had nothing to hide, why get all angsty about his phone? "A'Riauna's got a point," Sylvia says, making Edwin's face curl at the sound of her voice. "Sylvia, just- Ugh.. why are you here?" Edwin said, turning his gaze from A'Riauna to Sylvia. "I'm here for the allowance," Sylvia replied only for Edwin to roll his eyes. "Also, I'm not dropping the situation..." Sylvia says staring at A'Riauna. "Like I said, A'Riauna's right." She says. Edwin sighed "It's not your business, Sylvia. Just go" He takes out what looks like a check and starts to write something before handing it to Sylvia. "Just leave."

Sylvia scoffed, "70k? You think that's gonna make my shoes jump and hurl?" A'Riauna's eyes widened, how could he pass 70k like it was nothing? She turned her eyes to Edwin who seemed completely annoyed by Sylvia's presence. He groaned.

"I don't care what it makes you do. Just leave"He waved his hand, scouting for her to leave. "Shoo, go on," He says in a mocking tone. Sylvia stands up and rolls her eyes in response and starts to walk away but stops. She touches A'Riauna's shoulders and whispers in her ear. She wanted to know if A'Riauna was going to be okay if the situation got worse. She also wanted to get close to her, she was starting to like A'Riauna. The thought of having a little sister was amazing. "If you need anything, call me," Sylvia whispered. Afterwards, she walked off but not before handing Edwin the middle finger.

Finally, Edwin and A'Riauna were alone. But the A'Riauna was not going to change the topic. "So?" She says, wanting a response from Edwin. "'So' What? I just wanted to know why you touched my phone" A'Riauna was starting to get annoyed with his tone, even though it was new to her the shocking point passed and the annoyance settled in. "You're hiding something and it's making me suspicious." Edwin raised a brow. "Suspicious? How? I've treated you fine." A'Riauna's jaw dropped. She wasn't expecting Edwin to be like this, moreover, disrespectful.

So this is what his sister was talking about over the phone...  A'Riauna thought to herself as she remembered talking on the phone with Sylvia. "I only grabbed your phone because it was ringing and I thought it was mine. By the time I answered I noticed it was yours and your sister started talking I couldn't hang up because she kept calling and I didn't want to bother you." A'Riauna says making Edwin give in to her explanation. This was bullshit. She was lying. But Edwin wouldn't know that. She was still curious as to why he was upset about her touching his phone while he wasn't around. He let her touch it in the car. This only made him more suspicious, but she wanted to drop it and spend the day with him. So, completely buying past the time she and Edwin go and shop some more.

Soon, Edwin drove back to his place and he and A'Riauna sat in the living room. a few bags sat on the floor in the living room, as some never left the car. Edwin led his head back on the couch he was tired, and his neck, arms, and back hurt from carrying everything. A'Riauna but her lips, she was still frustrated on never clearing up the situation. She wanted to know what he was hiding. "Edwin, shouldn't you go take a shower?" He was sweating everywhere. He nodded and stood up. "Okay, mo~om," He said jokingly before walking upstairs to take his shower. The best showers were upstairs.

If Edwin was to take a regular one he'd go to the one in his bedroom, but he went upstairs, meaning that he's gonna take a nice long shower. As Edwin left for the upstairs shower A'Riauna's attention was caught by the phone sitting on the coffee table in the living room. Had Edwin placed it down? She stared anxiously before finally giving in and grabbing the phone off the table, unlocking the phone, and looking through it. Nothing. She found nothing out of the ordinary. She sighed; relieved. She placed the phone back down. "Why was he asking that way, then?" She asked herself.  She sat for a little longer before saying, "He's so weird."

"Who's weird?" Edwin said startling A'Riauna as he stood directly behind her, a towel wrapped around his waist. She jumped and threw a pillow at him in shock, falling off the couch. Edwin was surprised by her actions. "did I scare you?" He laughed. A'Riauna's eyes jolted. oh.. it was just Edwin. "I told you, it's not best to walk up on someone like that." Sge let a huff of air out. That could've been bad. He's lucky she didn't throw the vase next to her. She grabbed another pillow and hit Edwin over the head with it, joking. Now, noticing that he's only in a towel.  Well... Was only in a towel. It fell off.

A'Riauna's jaw dropped.

Best Friends (A'Riauna x Edwin Honoret)Where stories live. Discover now