A surprise kiss

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AriaunaDixon4 Edwin's eyes were fixed on the two boxes that he had just placed on the table

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Edwin's eyes were fixed on the two boxes that he had just placed on the table. He had been eagerly waiting for his best friend's birthday for weeks, and he had planned everything to perfection. However, as he looked at the boxes, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt. He knew his best friend better than anyone else, but picking the perfect gifts for her was always a challenge.

Despite his nerves, Edwin was determined to make her day unforgettable. "Okay," He said grabbing one of the boxes. It was blue and had a yellow ribbon with white stripes around the box. As he examined the box in his hand, he heard a knock on the door.
With his eyes never leaving the box he says, "Come in,"

"Hey, Edwin I have a question," A'Riauna said as she entered the room looking Edwin up and down.
"Uh, yeah?" He takes his eyes off of the box and stares at A'Riauna. "Oh, Wow... That's, that looks... Revealing?" Edwin said as his eyes started to fixate straight on A'Riauna's white dress. "What are you..." Edwin's eyes move from Ari's dress to her chest.

"Have you seen my pin? Like, my hairpin." Still flabbergasted by the dress, Edwin stays silent. "I'm going on a date with Prince." Edwin's heart ached, he knew A'Riauna liked Prince but she was way outta his league. snapping back to reality Edwin stares into Ari's eyes. "Prince?"

A'Riauna laughed, "Yeah. Did you honestly think I'd love you?" Edwin's heart throbbed. Was this something A'Riauna would say? No, it couldn't be. A'Riauna walked up to Edwin and grabbed his shoulder. "Not only do I not love you, no one ever will."

"What..?" Edwin says in pure shock. She chuckled as she crested his cheek. "And.. you also need to wake up."

"Wake up!" A'Riauna shouted as she slapped Edwin's chest. "You're sweating like crazy, wake the hell up." Edwin shot up, drenched in sweat, "What?!" he said as drool fell from the corner of his mouth. A'Riauna sighed, "I can't sleep for shit with your loud ass." She wiped some sweat off of his face. "You good, bro?" Edwin's heart ached. He loved A'Riauna more than anything, but he was always in the friend zone.

"Uh.. yeah, I'm fine. Completely fine."Edwin says with a huffed breath. "Anyway.. what are you doing in here?" He asks now catching his breath. "I'm in here for some clothes," A'Riauna said before pausing, "And it's too cold in my room." She stands up and walks to his closet, "I just need something to sleep in. That's pretty much it..." She grabs a shirt. "That's all?" He says laughing at her.

A'Riauna had always been one to wear oversized T-shirts to bed. "Yeah. What's funny?" She says putting the shirt back and looking at another. "Nothing, nothing.." He stands up and walks up behind her leaning on her shoulder. "So.. What do you want to do for your birthday?" Edwin asked, slightly breathing on her neck.

"I don't know. Everything is starting to get boring lately." She finally picked a shirt; it was a black T-shirt with an anchor and green goo splattered onto it. "Ah.. that's the shirt my mom gave to me." He says smiling. "Back up, man. Your hot breath is getting all on me." A'Riauna says pushing him back. She walks to Edwin's bathroom door. Edwin stares at her as she walks into the bathroom and closes the door.

"Right," Edwin said walking out of the room and grabbing A'Riauna's blanket. She couldn't sleep with any other blanket if it didn't feel like this; soft and fluffy. Once Edwin grabs the blanket, he then grabs her pillow and walks back to his bedroom. There she was; sleep, in his bed looking stunning, beautiful. Edwin placed A'Riauna's blanket on the bed along with her pillow and smiled as she slept on his pillow with his blanket.
"She's so fucking beautiful..." He mumbled before moving her hair out of her face. He slowly leaned in, "When will you notice how much I love you, Ari?" He says as he kissed her on the lips. "Haa... Maybe never?" He stands straight walking back out of the room leaving sleeping Ari there.

Moments after he walks out of the room and closes the door A'Riauna's eyes shoot open, "What the hell was that?!" She Whisperedly yelled. She tried to stop herself from smiling, she was blushing. She had thought she was the only one with these feelings she had for Edwin, but she was wrong. He liked her too. He loved her. A'Riauna looked at the closed door wondering what would happen if he came back and saw that she was awake.

"He kissed me..." She felt her lips, and suddenly a tingling sensation in her stomach made her eyes light up, maybe she didn't 'like' Edwin. She was starting to fall in love. She quickly laid her head down, she was starting to imagine all sorts of things; what if they started dating? No, that's way too fast. She closed her eyes thinking; What if we kissed one more time? Just then the door clicks open and Edwin walks in. A'Riauna quickly pretended to be asleep. "I'm sorry Ari," Edwin said in a soft and low tone, "I kissed you without your permission." He paused in thought.

"Next time I'll definitely ask." He smiled, rubbing her cheek. Edwin gets in the bed and lays down next to A'Riauna who is shocked. Again? she thought, smiling. if he asked she would have definitely said yes. "Goodnight, Ari" Edwin said pulling the blanket up on both of them. "Mhm.." Ari said, still pretending to be asleep. "I promise I'll get permission next time," he smiled.

A'Riauna felt his arm wrap around her, "Goodnight.." She mumbled, but Edwin had already fallen asleep.

The next day Edwin woke up and A'Riauna wasn't in the bed next to him, but right in front of him. "Edwin, what would you do if I heard what you said?" Edwin was startled, "What?" He asked sweating like crazy. "I mean, you talk in your sleep. I'm just curious. Whose Sofia and Prince?" Edwin let out a sigh of relief. "Sofia was the name of my rabbit in my dream and... Prince is just some boy. He's not important."

A'Riauna nodded, "Okay, then what about that kiss you gave me last night?"

Best Friends (A'Riauna x Edwin Honoret)Where stories live. Discover now