𝙸 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙾𝚏 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐

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The cool breeze landed on a small cottage in Godric's Hollow. A cheerful couple talked inside, laughing and giggling as they played with two small children, feeding them and giving them toys to play with as they laid down on the bed.

The woman had auburn hair and green eyes, like her daughter. The man had black hair and hazel eyes, like his son [who shared the green eyes]. They were clearly a happy family, and they played with their offspring with love and care.

Suddenly, the door of the cottage crashed to the floor. The man got up immediately, running towards the door, leaving his wand.

"Lily, go! It's him! Take them and go!" He yelled, facing another man covered in a hood. The person cackled, and yelled two words that sounded strangely haunting.

The woman screamed, grabbing the children and running up the stairs. The young boy was looking around curiously, while the daughter was clinging onto their mother.

The husband crashed to the floor as a green bolt came at him, electrifying him, and he lay limp on the floor. His murderer walked up the stairs after the wife, chuckling and brandishing his wand with a dark look in his eyes.

"Come on, show yourself!" He bellowed. The woman stayed silent, placing her children in a cot, and they watched as she put her arms spread out to protect them.

The man entered the room with a thud.

"Move, girl!" He cried, but she stayed there, screaming and fighting against him.

"I said move!" He bellowed, before pushing her away and repeating the same two words that had killed the father. She fell to the floor with a thud, before laying limp.

The two children watched confusedly as the man turned his gaze to them. The young son, thinking this was a game, laughed his baby laugh, waiting for the mother to get up and their father to come back, and they'd all have fun again.

It didn't happen.

The daughter seemed more scared, and shuffled away to the back of the crib, trying to pull the boy with her but he stayed in his place, still waiting.



The man took the chance, yelling the exact two words.

"Avada Kedava!" He yelled at the son. A green spark came from the wand, but somehow, it was defied, leaving the boy untouched, and the man yelled, and screeched in pain. He turned to nothingness, before it was all over.

The two children watched, amazed, but the house was still burning.

Someone came running towards them.

"Lily! Why is James unconscious on the floor? Lily!" Someone cried, and saw her too, laying dead. He gasped.

The two children watched.

"No... Peter... why?!" He wracked a hand through his hair, tears building in his eyes, "I've killed them... why did I ask them to not let me be Secret Keeper? Why Peter?!"

He gasped, before spotting the two children.

"Harry? Artemis!" He ran towards them, picking them up hurriedly.

"Come on... We've got to go!" He ran out of the flaming house, and was stopped by a huge looking man.


"Well if it 'ain't Sirius Black." Hagrid's eyes widened at the burning house, "What 'appened to Lily an' James?"

Sirius bowed his head, and Hagrid must have understood, "No... got to take 'em to Dumbledore..." He stared quietly at the house, and Sirius shook his head.

Slithering In Our Shadows [Draco Malfoy Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora