Chapter 4: A Human

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As if on cue, the person came. They didn't expected to see both Lucious and Charlie standing in the middle of the library. There was a short halt. Then the person took the chance and ran away. Lucious chased after them. They run through the library turning from corners to corners, jumping from bookshelves to bookshelves and running from corridors to corridors.

And what about Charlie you may ask? Oh well, he fell asleep on the floor after getting bored of seeing Lucious chasing the person. He was sleeping peacefully before feeling something heavy dropped on top of him it was the person. The person quickly got off of him and running away. Charlie thought it was over until Lucious landed ontop of him before continuing to chase the person.

The person was stunned seeing the window being sealed by the wooden planks. The looked around before grabbing a broom from a corner of the library and smashing the planks covering the window.

When they were about to jump through it, Lucious managed to grabbed their hand and pull them closer, pinning them to a wall. The person tried to get away but Lucious was stronger than the person. Lucious opened the person's mask revealing a person who had an elf's features minus the pointy ears and white hair. The person had round ears and had blonde hair.

"What are you?" Asked Lucious, "You're ears aren't elf-ish, they're round not pointy. You don't have any horns meaning you're not a dragon. You don't have any tail meaning not a werewolf. Your pupils are round and not cat-like. And your looks most definitely mean you're not from the nation of Nanguo."

He paused for a moment before saying:

"You're a human, aren't you?"
"Dong ding! Correct! You vamps ain't as dumb as I thought. Cause I thought y'all are dumb enough to not be able to catch the rat in the room." The person said it with a smile.
"They said that they thought vampires are too dumb enough to catch him" Charlie explained with a sigh.
"How in the world could you understand her?"
"They're speaking English?" Charlie answered, annoyed.
"Excuse me? 'Her'? I'm clearly a 'He'!" The person said.
"Not my fault you have a pretty face, darling~" Lucious teased.
"So, how the frick did you outsmarted me?!" Lucious asked.
".... Huh?"
"For someone who outsmarted the literal vampire crown prince, you do process information slowly, sweety~" Lucious said teasingly.
"Lucious please, no more flirting! I don't want to see one of your flirting stunts again! " Charlie pleads to him with an annoyed expression.
"Not my fault he had a pretty face. So human, why did you trespassed this library? How are you still alive? Aren't humans extincted? But most importantly, how did you outsmarted me?!" Asked Lucious.
"Woah, woah, calm down" Charlie said before continuing, "The human's brain is burning"

"I have a name y'know!" The person stated, "It's Kaylou Alberet!"
"And nobody asked! So why did you trespassed?" Charlie asked.
"Well, not my fault this is the only place in the city of Schwerinstadt where you could get a map of the city!" Kaylou reasoned.
"How are you still alive?" Charlie asked.
"I don't know. I was minding my own business before falling off a cliff and hit my head. When I regain conscious, everything was-" Kaylou wondered a bit.
"... Different?" Charlie asked.
"Yeah, different" Kaylou confirmed. "I noticed the sky was always dark, always covered in fog. I also noticed y'all are wearing medieval-style clothing, like, how can you breath with those layers? Plus, where are the motorcycles?"
"... What?" Lucious asked.
"I know human civilization was advanced back then compare to us now, but I didn't expected it to be that advanced"
"Y'know what's a motorcycle?" Lucious asked.
"No. What is a motorcycle?" Asked Charlie.
"Like a carriage but with two wheels, no horse but still faster than a horse." Kaylou explained.

"Wait, did you said you need a map?" Charlie asked.
"Yep" Said Kaylou.
"Why would you need a map?"
"To get out of the kindom? Like, why did you vampires build a giant wall surrounding the whole kingdom, isolating yourself from the world?" Asked Kaylou.
"That is the point" Charlie continued "After the humans were erased, the supernaturals wanted lands of their own and wage wars across the world. Even though it ended, every nation build walls isolating themselves in case of another war. They are also hostile to each other, especially those who are not their allies on the war."

"Wait, so humans were erased? How? When?" Kaylou asked.
"They were erased 10.000 years ago. How or why is still unclear. It's been so long since the last bits of human civilization roamed the earth, so long that most supernaturals wouldn't even believe if humans even existed." Lucious paused before continuing, "About the map, all maps are burned years ago by The queen of Oskandor, or should I say, my mother. So I guess you'll have to find a way out by yourself. Anyways, so how did you outsmarted me?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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