Chapter 2

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Luther looks over his shoulder and up at willow.

"Hello..good morning Willow "

Willow looks dead with her very pale skin. It felt as if her dark eyes were piercing through his soul and she knew everything about him, all his secrets and deep desires.

"Morning, Luther"

She said in a soft tone that she always had but it also sounded as if she had put no effort in her speaking.

"I know you are probably busy with your own personal investigation on that umm planet.."

She continued as she placed some sort of folder with papers.

"But the boss wants you to do some research on these files as it also will be a presentation"

She continued to speak as Luther looked up at her and listened to her. He realizes she finished saying all she needed to say so he nods.

"Perfect..will do"

He finished the last words with a small sight as he pulled his glasses to his face to read the papers. Willow nods.

"Mhm..also have you found any new information about that planet?"

She asked as she crossed her arms. She always claimed to never find the planet interesting or that she had or has any intentions on finding anything about that planet, though she is always asking Luther for updates on what he has found or asks for any updates and seems to remember a lot about it. Luther and some of her lab friends suspect that she might actually be very intrigued into this planet as much as Luther but she will never admit it. Luther slightly grins and shakes his head.

"Nope, not really sadl-"

He is interrupted by a female voice.


It was Grace. She hugs WIllow without permission as she smiles. She was a very bright person and clingy as well.

"Hello, grace"

Willow responded as he slowly placed her arm around Grace and Grace kept her arms around Willow. Luther swings his chair lighty so he is facing his desk and starts with the files he has to do research on. Willow and Grace walk away and probably to either WIllow's or Grace's desk since they are very close and spend most of their day's together and hanging out. Luther does not do that, he does not make friends at the lab and focuses on his work since he thinks having friends at work is mostly a distraction since just talking and talking does not get much work done and work is at times not turned in on time how it should be. He does not hate the idea of friends nor will he not, not be one's friend but just doesn't like making any as he also does not have much social skills and is a pretty awkward man. So go's on the day with Luther just doing the work the boss gave him and tries to finish as quickly as he can in hopes that he has some extra time to himself so he is able to continue on his personal research that he very much loves to do.

The day went by pretty fast as the work his boss gave him was not too boring and he was able to turn it in that same day to the office. He unfortunately did not have any spare time in his hands to continue with his research. He would at times stay after hours to stay in his office and continue with the research of the planet but he found it very unhealthy to do and it took time away from being able to at least talk to his daughter over the phone at the end of the day. He exits the building, walking straight to his car. His rides were always quiet but at times did play some music, but not today. He drives quietly back home with the only sound being the cars driving by quickly, a few honks from here and there, at times others talking from outside. Others found this type of environment depressing but Luther loves it. He loves the peace and quiet as they give him comfort and a feeling of coziness. He finally pulls up to his driveway and exits his car then walks to his door for him to later on unlock it and enter the home. He sights as he rubs his eyes from the feeling of tiredness. He takes his sweater off leaving himself in a white undershirt and his pants. He takes his shoes off as well, walking around the house in socks. He immediately walks to the kitchen and finds leftovers and heats them up. He eats silently in his living room with the tv being the only sound in the room. All of the sudden he gets a call. He checks the time to notice that it is already 7pm almost 8pm and he smiles knowing it will probably be his daughter calling from her mothers phone.


"Hi daddy!"

"Hi, kiddo. How was your day?"

"It was good but mostly boring because my friend Mike did not come today."

"Aww that is too bad, princess. Do you not hang out with anyone else but your friend Mike?"

"Hmmm no not really."

"So you were alone the whole day? Oh no I couldn't imagine knowing my princess was all alone all day"

"Heheh I'm all fine, daddy! I don't mind being alone."

"Really? Well I know where you get that from"

Luther talks with his daughter about her day then about his day and random things. Luther loves his daughter with all of his heart and will do anything for her. It upsets him that he can't see her everyday but only the weekends since her mother has her custody. Luther and his daughter talk as much as they can before it is time for her bedtime. They hang up and Luther sights. He looks around and notices all his plants so he grabs the spray bottle and spays the plants with the water that they need. He then starts to get ready for bed and falls asleep. This benign Luther usual everyday routine. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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