Chapter 1

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Luther is awoken by his alarm as he groans and turns it off. He sits on the edge of his bed and looks down at his feet as he lets out a big sight. He stands up and lets out a big stretch before walking to his bathroom where he brushes his teeth and showers. He changes into a coffee brown knitted sweater,dark blue bell bottom jeans, and black pointed toe ankle boots. He checks the time and sees that he is still in time to call his daughter. He picks up the phone as he calls his ex-wife's number, placing the phone to his ear and is greeted to his 9 year old daughter's voice. "Hiii, daddy!" She spoke in excitement, "Morning, sweetie" he spoke in his raspy voice. "Guess what!"


"I slept in my bed all night and did not go to mommy's"

"That is nice to hear, darling..Keep it up and next time we see each other you will be gifted a reward'


"Okay! I promise I will keep it up!"

"That's my girl..but sorry to break it, darling I have to go or daddy will be late to work"

"Awww okay...Will you call me later"


"Okay then! Byeee love you dad!"

"Love you too, kid.."

He hangs up the phone as he walks downstairs and grabs his work bag and walks out of his home. He heads to his car and drives to the laboratory where he works. It's not far from his house, only being 20 minutes away.

He finally makes it and he enters the laboratory with his badge. He walks to his desk and puts all of his stuff down and sits on his chair as he signs into his computer and puts some of his paperwork down. He is currently obsessed with this planet that has been found..Planet "Jelly". It is just so fascinating to him, everything about it and all he has been doing is looking for information about it left and right. All of his co-workers kind of see him crazy for this due to how invested he is and all of the information of it he has memorized. One of the most things he is looking more about and is intrigued about it the creatures that live in the planet that he yet knows nothing about but is for sure going to find out one way or another. Luther is kind of quiet and keeps to himself and most of his co-workers do not talk to him as he is cold, introverted, and honestly looks like a dickhead. He sits on his chair as he opens some files and feels a cold hand on his shoulder. He looks back to see Willow.

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