Chapter 6

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None Of it was Real

Love is bullshit,

Relationships are... a bitch.

You have arguments, you make out, then you have arguments again and it repeats until you can't take it anymore.

Being in a relationship means you trust your other half. You are comfortable enough to be vulnerable with them. Show a side of you that you possibly can't imagine showing it to anyone else.

With each argument, the trust you build up breaks a little, and the only thing you could do is forget and forgive.

But... Do you really forget?

Those feelings you had at the moment will always linger in the back of your mind, until you crack, break, cry, scream, and before you know it... you are back to being alone again.

At least, that's what jecka thought.

She refused the idea of being together with someone, the idea of trusting people was uncomfortable, and also because no one was nearly as hot as she was, they were wayyyy below her league.


And then there was Nicole.

The answer is obvious, she would never be in a relationship with her.

Not even in a day or a second.

So why.

Why was it so hard to breathe?

So hard to talk?

Nicole was just being Nicole, it shouldn't be a surprise, so why did it sting watching your best friend make out with some other girl.

Something uncomfortable shifted in her guts. Something she was so unfamiliar with.

"What the fuck, Nicole??" Her tone was stern, refusing to show any sign of weakness.

"I can explain."

"Explain what?? That you are cheating on me? In public??" She replies sharply. Golden eyes lay on the blue, searching for some sort of regret in her eyes, but it was.. so..


"Yeah.. she got you good" Emily chirps lazily, there was a smile playing on her lips. Jecka avoids looking at her, she ignores how her guts were twitching.

"It was for pills, it doesn't count"

"Pills? shit... you haven't told her yet?" Emily looks at Nicole in somewhat curiosity, surprised.

They were close.

So close.

And jecka hated every second of that interaction. She was visibly annoyed.

More than annoyed actually.

Perhaps a little pissed off.

It took a lot of self control to avoid an argument with the lunatic next to them.

"Tell me what." Jecka frowns.

"Nothing." Nicole shrugs, taking the pill from the other girl.

This bitch...

"I can't take this shit anymore, its like you don't even fucking care, I am done. Nicole." Jecka turns leaving the brunette to the crowd that had surrounded them.

She should have known this by now,

Expected this to happen.

A groan slips from her lips as she rushes towards her gym class. The bell had already rang a minute ago.

Class of '09 (Jecka X Nicole)Where stories live. Discover now