It rained today

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It's still early in May and in my country,
May is for staying indoors because it's too hot outside.
May is for spontaneous picnics because "It's okay. It's not going to rain anyway."
May is for eating something cold, drinking something cold, without feeling chills down to your bones.
But it rained today.
So did the other day.
It rained twice in the first week of May.

And as I watch the strong wind blew the raindrops pass my window screen,
misting my face like nature's skin care product,
I had the urge to cry.
I wanted to cry.
I could feel the sting in my dry eyes at the gut feeling that I will have to say goodbye to something so beautiful
and yet was taken for granted by ignorance.
I could feel the burn of envy at the sky
because after four months she finally cried,
and the men and women begging on their knees
had their arms wide open for her tears
where as mine, mine will be hushed with "Why?"
"Be grateful. There are people who had it worse."

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