Chapter two

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After they meet everyone else

Rui: Huh…This group of runts is rather interesting, don’t you think..?

Dazai: shrugs Himiko is cool

Rui: I mean she looks like she drives around in a pea car but okay.

Himiko: Nyeh!? I would not!!

Dazai: I mean Rui could be right though?


Kokichi and Miko laugh like little gremlins

Rui rolls her eyes and scoffs

Dazai snickers

Gonta: H-Hey! Gonta says you shouldn’t be mean to Himiko!

Dazai: stares at Gonta And Dazai says Gonta should shut up.

Rui laughs

Miko: Dazai! Be Nice to Gonta!

Rui: No Dazai be mean to Gonta!

Gonta: Can you guys just be nice to Gonta? Gonta just wants to be friends…

Dazai: I’d rather eat a rat carcass than be nice to you…

Miko: Dazai!

Rui snickers

Miko: Gonta is a kind, gentle giant…why not be nice to him?

Rui: He’s weird and he speaks in third person, I only tolerate him because he likes insects too.

Miko: Eh, you’re not wrong…but he’s so nice!!!

Dazai: No he’s not he’s ugly and I hate him

Rui: Whatever… He’s weird and I’m not gonna touch him.

Rui shudders

Miko: You don’t touch anyone, to be honest.

Rui: Yeah because people are gross.. Blegh

Miko: Whatever…I’m kinda bored…

Dazai: Hydraulic press. Kidnap someone, tie them up, cut off all their hair, take their blood, and turn it into spaghetti and feed it to them. Amputate all their limbs, and crush the limbs under a hydraulic press, make the meat into a burger, and feed it to them. Do this until they are no more.

Rui: Ooh, That would’ve sounded fun if I wouldn’t have gotten dirty in the process…

Rui shuddered and adjusted her gloves

Miko: I wanna do that! There would be so much blood! Sounds so fun!

Rui: I love watching people suffer and all, But blood is so messy and….full of germs…blegh…

Himiko: What is wrong with you?!

Dazai: Everything

Rui: You wouldn’t get it, you brain dead fetus.

Miko: pfft- brain dead fetus is foul!

Miko starts giggling like a gremlin

Himiko runs off crying

Rui starts laughing hard as hell like a fucking psychopath

Miko: She’s crying!


Dazai: hahahahahahahaha

Rui continued giggling like a psychopath

Gonta: Gonta wants to know why Miss Rui is like this…?

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