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I walk down a empty hallway.

The walls look like they are covered in blood.

I look down and realize I'm shorter.

My hair up in pig tails and a pink T-shirt.

I run down the hall and scream when I see a dead body.

Suddenly I am being picked up be a woman.

White lab coat.

"C'mon, you're going to be ok" The woman reassures.

She carriers me through the now covered in blood walls.

Three men come in front of us with guns and start shooting behind us.

I start crying at the sound of gunshots.

The woman covers my ears, carrying me away.

"It's ok Y/n, just breathe."

I take a couple deep breaths to calm down and become quiet.

I look toward the end of the hall and it looks dark.

"I need you to be silent ok Y/n?"

I nod my head and she carries me into the darkness.

I hear her heeled shoes clack on the ground.

I look around to see weird vines everywhere.

Suddenly a creature jumps out a tunnel croaking.

It tries to attack us but the woman shoots it a couple times before running off.

I look down the hall to see a light as the woman runs toward it, me, watching, in her arms.

We look out to see lot's of sand and a huge helicopter.

The woman runs to the helicopter. I hear heels hit the metal floor.

She sets me down on a small seat and starts doing my seatbelt.

A little too tight with a worried expression on her face.

"Dr. Paige! There's too many! we need to take off!" someone yells.

"Then do it! Y/n is my top priority!"

She look at me and gives a small smile.

I feel my soul almost leave my body as the helicopter starts moving, the woman hugging me.

"It's going to be ok, I promise" She tells me.

I look out the window to see us flying away from the creatures, and see a building in the distance.

As we land the woman carries me inside to what seems like a play room.

"Y/n, I want you to stay here, and play with the other kids ok?"

I nod, she hugs me one last time before she leaves.

I walk around the playroom and find a punching bag.

I start punching it but it hurts.

"Let me help you" A kid with very thick eyebrows walks over to me and helps me learn to punch.

"Thank you, what's you're name?" I ask.

"I'm ........, and you?"

I couldn't hear a name.

"I'm Y/n"

"I think you look like a pinky to me"

"I like that, wanna be friends?"


We both shake hands and walk away. I run and jump straight into the ball pit.

Soon losing my necklace.

Thomas' POV : Dreams

I feel homesick, I miss my mom, I miss my friends. I rub my bracelet I got a while ago That's when I look at this girl across the room.

Super cute.

I watch her jump into the ball pit. This other girl not leaving me alone.

I soon jump into the ball pit and find a necklace.

It's the one I have on. I look up at the little girl by me.

"I think you lost this"

"Oh my gosh thank you so much"

She takes it in her hand, putting it back on.

"Can we try being friends?" I ask her.

"Yeah I'm ....... and you?"

I swear I heard something but I guess not.

"I'm Thomas, nice to meet you"

We both shook hands.

Time skip, Y/n POV: still dreaming

I walk through the empty halls coming across my friend.

I see his handsome chocolate brown eyes.

He is so handsome.

Soon I'm being pulled on a bed, covered by a sheet, the same familiar boy next to me.

He has a necklace and I have a bracelet on. He reaches his hand out and I reach out my hand.

He takes my hand and rubs it softly.

"I love you Y/n" I hear a familiar voice say.

"I'm leaving before you, I will see you there, don't forget I love you more than life itself" I hear the familiar voice say.

"He's ready" Says a doctor.

I watch through the camera's as he gets a syringe in his neck, and put into a box.

It starts moving and I feel really sad.


I don't even know why.

I hear some voices, and I feel my eyes slowly open.

The maze runner Y/N x Thomasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن