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Percy: Dazai Sokolov, Ultimate cultist, Hair: medium long messy/curly black hair, Height: 5’7, Pronouns: He/It, Eyes: Purple, Skin color/race: Russian/pale, Style: scene/emo, Autistic and ADHD, Age: 17, Personality: Doesn’t really show much emotion but kinda rude at the same time, masochist and sadist at the same time, enjoys going through pain and inflicting pain on others, likes blood and violence in general, usually follows what Miko and Rui say, Gender: Trans guy, Language(s): Japanese, Russian, English, Voice Claim: PM Dazai Osamu but with a slight Russian accent, loves ferrets, music, plants, friends, tiny things, and playing bass, hates loud people, eating, bright colors, weird textures, being put in charge, and winter.

Zia(Me): Miko Yasuhiro, Ultimate Singer, Hair: Pastel green hair in space buns, Height: 4’10, Pronouns: She/They, Eyes: gray blue, Skin color/race: Blasian(Korean)/light skin, Style: Indie, Age: 18, Personality: Loud, rude if you are boring, has a weird fascination with blood, and masochistic. Gender: Demi girl, Language(s): Korean, German, French, English. Voice claim: Monaca Towa + Hiyoko Saionji, Likes: Music, Rui, Dazai, candy, games, and anime.

Noah: Rui Gurumi, Ultimate Cosplayer, Hair: short (Shuichi ahh hairstyle 💀) black hair, Height: 5’10, Pronouns: Any, Eyes: Pastel Greyish-Lavender, Skin Color/Race: Pale White/Asian, Style: Goth, Age: 19, Personality: Psychopath, Manipulative, Mean, Aggressive, Neurodivergent, Deceitful, Nice to Dazai and Miko, Serious, Loud but Quiet, Struggles with Giving Affection, Egotistical, Somewhat narcissistic, Pyromaniac, Sadistic, Germaphobe, Gender: Genderfluid, Bio Gender: Female, Language(s): Japanese, Korean, Russian, Voice Claims: Celestia Ludenberg(Without the accent), Likes: Cosplay, Insects, Food, Anime, Music.

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