Chapter One (Short)

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"So, I was thinking, maybe we should visit a planet called Earth."

Everybody at the table froze to process just what on Diversitas Sammy had just said. Sammy's brother Indi nodded along in agreement, which was surprising since he almost always disagreed with Sammy.

"Why on Diversitas do you want to go to Earth?"

Mei broke the silence and suddenly everybody was talking. Indi stood up and slammed his hands on the table. Everybody went silent again. Indi sat back down and cleared his throat.

"We want to go to Earth to help stop it from getting invaded by the planet Libertas."

Libertas, a neighbouring planet and if you were born at the right time you might even remember when the queens went and visited the planet. They met with the queen of that planet, a widow, and signed a peace treaty before any conflict could start. The queens, Mia and Evelyn Banks, went when they were pregnant with Sammy. Technically, Sammy's a martian since he was born in the two years they were away. Sammy was almost two when he came back to this planet.

Unlike Mei, Hana was really excited by this turn of events.

"Really?! We're going to Earth?! That's so cool! Uh, but, where is Earth?"

"And why are we going?"

Yeah, Mei really wasn't happy. Sammy groaned.

"We just told you, to stop Libertas from invading Earth, or so we can at least warn them that their planet's going to be blown up."

Mei stared at Sammy, annoyance written clearly on her face.

"And that's our problem, how?"

Sammy got serious and put his hands together on top of the table.

"Because we heard our mothers talking about it. Libertas is asking for our help in invading Earth and our mothers decided that we're going to help neither of them. Neither Earth nor Libertas. Libertas is invading Earth because they think the people of Earth are weak, and I don't think that's a very fair fight. So we're going to Earth to at least warn them of the upcoming invasion, so that they have time to prepare for it."

Everybody sat in silence and then quickly jumped in to say or sign that they were coming with. Everybody except for Mei and Ali. Sammy kept looking at each of them.

"Well, are you guys coming?"

Surprisingly enough, Ali decided to talk first.




Ali shook his head for emphasis. Hana's jaw dropped.

"What?! Why not?!"



Nagito touched his sister's arm to calm her down.

"I think he means he doesn't want to go because Sammy doesn't have a plan on how to stop the invasion or even how to get there."

Ali nodded in agreement to Nagito's statement. How Nagito always knew what he was trying to say, nobody knew.

"We do have a plan! ... Indi, what's the plan?"

Sammy sheepishly grinned up at his older brother. Thankfully for him, Indi did have a plan.

"We'll borrow one of the spaceships, borrow a map, go to Earth and warn them of the upcoming invasion and then fly back home. Simple."

Sammy nodded vigorously, smirking like it was his idea.


Before anyone could get too confused, Nagito translated.

"Yes, none of us know how to fly a spaceship, who is going to be the pilot?"

Sammy stopped smirking. Ali tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow.


Sammy's mouth opened and closed a couple of times before shutting and looking up at his older brother. Indi's mouth opened and closed once before looking down at his lap.

"Luckily for you I actually do know how to fly a spaceship."

Everybody's heads snapped to face Mei.

'Really? You know how to fly?'

Althea signed.

"Yes, I do and no, I'm not taking you. I have better things to waste my time on then to fly to some random planet just to tell them about an invasion. Also, the invaders are our 'friends'."

Mei put air quotes around the word friends. Sammy took to begging.


"No, I'm not going."

"You might get to fight someone."

Emilia chimed in.

"I'm 100 percent going."

Emilia smirked over at Sammy.

"You're welcome."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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