Part IV - The Climax

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The trip to Greenwich was an absolute disaster. There was no time to pack, no time to prepare.

Avan was dragged to the airport by moped, and the two were off on a long distance flight. Because of the high traffic, only economy seats were available, so even though his friend had special flight privileges to fly for less in any class of seats available (including the lofty business), they were stuck flying in dusty old economy.

Which Avan wouldn't have minded, if he was going for pleasure. Instead it was in search of a divine relic that peels potato, according to some ad listing on the sketchiest of websites. 

Out of the airport, the two hailed an uber and were off to the meeting place where the craigslist seller would be.

The ride took 15 minutes of Avan's life away, as he sat in the back with his arms crossed and glaring daggers at Shayan. Who looked out the window with stars in his eyes like a child at a toy store.

'Didn't even have the time to shower...' thought Avan frustratingly, as the uber came to a stop.

"Alright, here we are" said the British driver, as he unlocked the car doors.

"Thanks" replied Shayan, as he and Avan stepped out of the car.

The uber driver left as Shayan, and Avan faced the meeting place of their seller.

A retirement home.

'Of course...' thought Avan, as Shayan walked forward.

"Come on dude, let's go get that peeler!" said Shayan, as he marched onward towards the retirement home.

Letting out a sigh, Avan followed suit thinking 'yeah sure, let's go get that peeler and get this over with'.

The dynamic duo fo friends made it into the retirement home's lobby, where they were supposed to meet their seller - a presumably old man by the name of Mr. Jenkins.

But when they stepped inside, they were met with the gruesome sight of many elderly on the ground, trying to crawl away.

From the mutant spud that proceeded to terrorize them.

"Ah, it's Kimberly!" exclaimed Avan in shock.

"And she's gone international!" exclaimed Shayan, also in shock.

The monster turned her eye-less head to face the new arrivals, and grin maliciously.

One hand raised up into the air, and held within its grasp was an object that brought a look of intense worry onto Shayan's face.

"Looking for this?" asked Kimberly playfully, as she waved around a potato peeler.

"Dude! She's got the holy potato peeler!" said Shayan.

"Tell me something I don't know!"

"Uh...oh, the Earth's circumference at the equator is about 40.075 kilometers" said Shayan.

"Wha- I know that already" replied Avan.

"Bullshit" exclaimed Shayan, genuinely surprised by the fact that Avan had already known.

Suddenly, two swaths of tendrilous arms lunged at Shayan and Avan. Pinning them to the wall with force, and intensity.

'Ah, my back!' thought Shayan, as he felt his spine rattle a little. As Kimberly leaned closer towards Shayan, with a third smaller arm carrying the potato peeler.

"What a naughty bunch you two are, trying to kill me with this christened peeler" spoke the mutant, a lingering playfulness in her voice as her vicious smile widened to terrifying proportions.

Shayan & Avan - The Mutated PotatoWhere stories live. Discover now