~ Chapter 1: Gazing ~

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Kaveh's POV
I had a long day today, I had to work overtime for a meeting but I'm finally home. I step in the door.
"Haitham, I'm homeee~!"
No answer. I sigh. He's probably sleeping or working or something. I have news for him but I'll let it wait until morning, I guess.
I stride across the kitchen and to the stairs, I follow the stairs and get to my bedroom.
'I'm too tired to get changed...'
I think to myself as I climb into bed.
Suddenly, drowsy footsteps echo through the house.
Alhaitham wipes his eyes and walks through the door.
"Why are you back so late?"
"We had a meeting at work, honestly it was exhausting. Oh— that reminds me, I have news."
"A new guy is joining! His name's Ciaran."
"Oh. When is he coming?"
"Tomorrow morning! I love meeting people."
"I don't. It's stupid, why do we need a new colleague anyway? We have a perfect line of staff."
"You just don't like people."
"Correct. Human needs are fine right up to socialism."
"And on the topic of human needs, I need to go to sleep. Night!"
I slowly drift off to sleep.
- In the morning -
My eyes leisurely open and I check the time.
"I better get up."
I get changed and ready and head downstairs. Alhaitham is already waiting at the door.
"The new guy arrives today!"
I squeal and run ahead of him
"It's not that exciting, calm down."
He apathetically explains.
"Yes it is, he must be so nice!"
"You said that about me."
"And I was right...at first. I miss when you were a cute little junior."
Alhaitham scoffs and rolls his eyes.
We head to work.
I run into the office and start frantically looking around.
Suddenly, Alhaitham appears behind me and explains,
"You'll never find him if you look like a desperate puppy."
"I do not!"
"Uh huh."
I look all around and a tall, pale, black haired man walks towards me.
"A-are you Ciaran?"
I stutter.
"Yes, and you must be Kaveh."
"Yep - that's me."
Alhaitham glares at him from behind me.
"Hello, you must be—"
Ciaran reaches his hand out to shake Haitham's hand but Alhaitham walks away.
"Veeery smooth, Haitham."
I shout sarcastically as he flips me off.
"Sorry about him, he takes a while to trust people."
"Nah, it's good. He seems to trust you, though."
"Yeah, we've known each other a long time. He's often a huge @ss though."
"Amen to that."
I laugh and he asks,
"So, want to go to my office with me, I can show you around?"
We walk calmly to his office, talking about the job on the way.
His room is big and very professional, kind of like Alhaitham's, actually. Except, Alhaitham's is more organised.
"It looks very...business-y!"
He laughs,
"That's not a word."
"I know..."
"No, you're cute, it's fine!"
I blush.
He smirks,
"Want to go out for coffee?"

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