Lover's Death

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In the silence of my soul's decay,
You held me close in your embrace.
But beneath your tender touch,
Lay the truth, stark and harsh.

I walked as if alive, yet dead within,
Blinded by love's deceptive spin.
Your affection, a vibrant façade,
Cloaked the truth, a cruel charade.

I existed in a state of illusion,
Believing in a love's sweet infusion.
But the mirror you held, unforgiving and clear,
Shattered my delusions, dispelled my fear.

Now I stand, a corpse unmasked,
No longer bound by love's cruel grasp.
Release me, free me from this lie,
To find solace beneath the silent sky.

Let me rest, in peace or hate,
But liberated from this fabricated fate.
For in your love, I found my demise,
Now grant me freedom, under darkened skies.

For in your love, I found my demise,Now grant me freedom, under darkened skies

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