Chapter 1

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"No no this wasn't happening right. No it can't be you were the person this entire time. The reason why this is happening" screamed my father. His breath was raspy, a clear indicator that I was getting to his head. He breathed heavily keeping an irregular pace due to the amount of fear that he was in. It was the sounds that you would expect to hear from an athlete who had recently just ran a marathon. It was music to my ears. Sometimes his breathing was fast. Other times it was slow. It was a wide mixture as if conforming to an intrinsic dance. It was kind of beautiful in a sick and twisted way. However I was not one to be exactly normal in the head.

I walked closer and closer watching as is fear increased dramatically with each step that I took forward. I couldn't help but let out a little giggle at the site. The first sign was the a sweat on his face. It was dripping down as if even the water droplets was scared of me and trying to retreat knowing just what horrors I could commit. The second sign was his face. Before he looked angry or betrayed maybe with a hint of fear however I could tell that when I moved closer almost in an instant all emotions except for fear that he had felt converted into fear and panic. It was obvious to tell by the expression on his face. Finally I could tell that his body was shaking as if having a mini heart attack. Maybe his body thought if we kill him off I won't have to. Because let's be honest just my presence alone could produce far worse than death could ever bring.

I reached out my hand to his cheek rubbing it slightly watching as his eyeballs looked and his people's stretched back beyond what I thought the human body could even exceed. That made me think, I wonder what it's like to eat an eyeball. Would it taste squishy or would it taste soft. Maybe it would taste sour or salty I really did not have a clue but now I was curious.

I went into my pocket and grabbed the knife that I had been carrying for only a couple of minutes beforehand. It was sharp, study and also already had the blood of at least five people beforehand.

"Honestly if you didn't break the rule maybe you would have been spared. In fact I said that wrong if you didn't break the rule I would have definitely spared you that's all you had to do. You just had to follow me and you would have been safe forever given eternal life however you decided to take the wrong route. I know it's time for your punishment and quite frankly you know it too. You have only yourself to blame on this matter. However I don't want to kill you. You still have many benefits so I'm going to tear your eyeballs apart and you will eat one of your eyeballs and I will eat the other. This will essentially be your warning and you should be very lucky than giving you this in the first place" I laughed.

"No no please don't do this to me. I'll do anything please just not my eyes. Why are you doing this in the first place" My father screamed

I then proceeded to explain "honestly you still don't understand. Why do we do anything when you think about it. I'm purely doing this for fun. This society has so many rules and regulations it's annoying. Don't you think it's time that we have a little bit of change. Can't we just add a little bit of excitement maybe. I'm so bored honestly. I even called the police and told them exactly what I was doing just so that I could have the thrill of taking your eyeballs and then having a fear of getting caught."

"Look I'm aware that I'm not the saviour that I promise to be however at least that makes me self-aware right."

With that I stabbed both of his eyes allowing them to stick onto the knife as if it was a kebab. Identity one of the eyes and placed it into his mouth. "Chew up buddy" I mocked as I forced him to chew his own eyeball. With the other eyeball I placed it into my mouth and swallowed it whole. It tasted actually pretty nice to be fair. It was extremely salty but it also had a sort of jell-o-like texture to it as if I was eating gelatin.

"Your eyeball was very nice thank you very much for providing it." I gleam.

With that I grabbed the knife again and stabbed him in the heart multiple times until he was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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