Chapter 25: The Cost Of Winning

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The scene unfolds with Rachel standing in front of Mr. Beaufort, her fingers trembling as she clutches the briefcase containing a million dollars tightly that was just handed to her for winning The Game, The weight of the money feels both exhilarating and suffocating, a stark reminder of the choices she's made and the lives lost in the twisted game orchestrated by Mr. Beaufort but a reminder of a brighter future for herself and her sister.

Mr. Beaufort's smug smile widens as he extends his hand towards Rachel, a gesture of congratulation that sends a shiver down her spine, His voice drips with actual sincerity as he speaks, each word laced with a sinister edge that cuts through the air like a knife.

"Good luck in your life, Rachel" he says, his tone smooth and calculated. "And remember, discretion is key, We wouldn't want anyone to know about our little arrangement, now would we? After all I have many connections in high places you wouldn't want to mess with."

Rachel nods numbly, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, On one hand, the prospect of financial security is tantalizing, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. But on the other hand, the blood money in her hands serves as a stark reminder of the lives lost in pursuit of Mr. Beaufort's sickening games, she hated herself for what she had done.

As Rachel walked outside the mansion and stepped into the waiting limo arranged by Mr. Beaufort, the plush interior provided a stark contrast to the turmoil raging inside her mind, The soft leather seats offer little comfort as she sinks into them, her thoughts consumed by the faces of Gary, Lexa, Joe, and all the other contestants who met untimely ends in Mr. Beaufort's twisted game he invited them to, the promise of riches and a fun competition turned into a real life horror story.

The limo glides through the city streets, the passing scenery a blur as Rachel stares out the window, lost in thought, Memories flash before her eyes, each one a painful reminder of the sacrifices made and the lives lost, She clutches the briefcase tightly, a silent vow to honor their memories and make their sacrifices worth it, she wouldn't let it go to waste.

As the limo pulls up to Rachel's house, she feels a lump form in her throat, her heart heavy with dread, as she walked up her stairs, She pushes open the front door to her house and calls out to her sister, her voice trembling with anticipation.

"Hey Amanda! Sisters home."

But there's no response.

Rachel's heart sinks as she finds the note on the table, her hands shaking as she reads the words,
"Dear Rachel, I'm sorry I have to leave this to you. If you're reading this, that means I'm no longer here, I know my time was running up, and I couldn't stress you out anymore, I couldn't be burden to your life, I know we can't afford a cure, and I know you care too much to stop trying I just want you to know I love you, sis and I'll tell mom hi for you when I see her again, Love your sister Amanda forever and always"

Tears well up in Rachel's eyes as the reality of her sister's absence sinks in, her grief threatening to consume her whole.

"No... Amanda, No.." she whispers, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her own heart.

With trembling hands, Rachel rushes upstairs to her sister's room, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps, But as she enters, her worst fears are realized, Amanda lies lifeless on the bed, her once beating heart extinguished forever.

Rachel's heart breaks as she collapses to her knees beside the bed, her tears falling freely as she reaches out to touch Amanda's cold hand, The weight of her sister's death crushes her, her grief overwhelming as she struggles to comprehend the magnitude of her loss.

"I'm so sorry, Amanda," she says through tears, her voice choked with sorrow. "I should have been there for you, I can't do anything right, my whole life is a fucking mistake."

But as Rachel runs to be in her room, her grief threatening to consume her whole, she knows that there's only one way to end the pain, With a shaky hand, she reaches for the gun in her drawer, her heart heavy with despair.

"I have nothing left, this is it." she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper "I'm sorry, Amanda, I'm sorry everyone, I guess not every story gets a happy ending."

With a final, heartbreaking sob, Rachel presses the gun to her temple and pulls the trigger, ending her own life and bringing a tragic end to the story of Mr. Beaufort's twisted game.

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