Chapter 4: Anger & Greed

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Mr. Beaufort leads Steven to the first game room, which is behind a door titled "The Chamber of Temptation." As they approach, Steven's curiosity is piqued, but Mr. Beaufort maintains his enigmatic smile, revealing nothing of what awaits inside.

"Here we are, Steven," Mr. Beaufort gestures towards the imposing door. "Your challenge awaits you, Best of luck, first you will need this sack bag which already contains your $25,000 and the exit of the building is opposite in the room you're entering, so if you wish you could just go right to it."

With a confident grin, Steven grabs the money bag and pushes open the door and steps into the chamber, his eyes widening at the sight before him. The room is filled with treasures beyond his wildest dreams, glittering gold, sparkling jewels, and priceless antiques temptingly scattered about.

Steven's laughter echoes in the chamber as he marvels at his good fortune. "You really just gave me a game where I get more money to win money," he remarks, his excitement palpable. "I'm good with this, I'll rob your old stupid ass blind before I leave out that door." 

Mr. Beaufort's grin widens, though his eyes betray a hint of something unreadable as he watches Steven's reaction.

Meanwhile, outside the chamber of temptation, the other contestants peer through a large window, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. Kris, ever cautious, voices her discomfort. "Why are there armed guards here now? I didn't notice them before." she asks, her voice tinged with unease.

Mr. Beaufort turns to face them, his demeanor remaining composed. "They're here in case our friend Steven in there tries anything funny." he explains casually, though there's a glint of steel beneath his words that suggests there's more to the story than meets the eye.

Gary speaks out to Mr. Beaufort during this
"Why are you giving him so many riches just for not playing your game, I thought what you wanted was entertainment?"

Mr. Beaufort smiled
"Giving away my riches is my entertainment, you'll see what makes this such a treat very soon."

The tension in the room reaches a fever pitch as Steven's greed gets the better of him, With a manic gleam in his eyes, he grabs several bars of gold, tossing them into his bag with reckless abandon, his shouts of triumph echoing off the walls.

"I'm fucking rich! I'm gonna quit that fucking factory hell I work in and I'm gonna get any woman I want!" Steven screams, his voice filled with arrogance and delusion.

But his moment of triumph is short-lived, As Steven reaches for the last gold brick, a sudden movement catches his eye, without warning, an very large arrow shoots out from the floor below where the gold brick once laid piercing his leg with a sickening thud, Agony courses through Steven's body as he lets out a gut-wrenching scream, his bravado crumbling in an instant.

Outside the chamber of temptation, the other contestants reel in shock at the sudden turn of events, some instinctively move to flee, but their escape is cut off by the appearance of six large and armed bodyguards, their presence a chilling visual of the new stakes at hand.

"Now we don't want anyone else to quit early, do we?" Mr. Beaufort's voice cuts through the chaos, his tone calm yet tinged with menace. "After all, the game has just begun, and Steven here could have left, I haven't done a thing."

Dimitri, his words slurred with intoxication, spits at Mr. Beaufort in disgust. "You're a sick man! You just impaled his leg!" he growls his anger palpable.

Gary, ever the voice of reason, interjects, his tone pleading. "Mr. Beaufort, please explain what this game Steven is playing is, at least you can do that for us, right?"

Mr. Beaufort's smile remains unchanged as he addresses the group, his words dripping with a mixture of amusement and malice. "Of course, I'm always up to share my ideas with others," he replies smoothly. "The contestant is locked into a room with the cash prize in a sack bag, which has extra room for other items if the contestant wishes to fill it with more value, However, each item is booby-trapped, and the only way to escape is to resist the temptation to take anything, that's The Game, Those who succumb to greed trigger deadly traps, while those who overcome their desires can leave freely through the exit, it's completely fair, This game simply just preys on the players own greed by tempting them with wealth, while their anger might flare up when they realize the consequences of their actions. They only have themselves to blame for not being satisfied with the money they already have."

With Mr. Beaufort's chilling explanation ringing in their ears, the contestants brace themselves for the challenges they themselves might have laying ahead, knowing that each decision they make could mean the difference between life and death in this deadly game they're now stuck in.

Amidst the chaos and Steven's agonized screams for help
"Please somebody fucking help me!"

Mr. Beaufort remains eerily calm, his expression impassive as he speaks into a microphone connected to the inside of the room.

"Well, Steven, I already helped you quite a bit by giving you all the riches you could desire," Mr. Beaufort's voice reverberates through the chamber, cold and detached. "I think you can handle this situation yourself."

Inside the room, Steven's cries grow more desperate as he struggles to free himself from the arrow lodged in his leg. With a primal roar of pain and frustration, he rips his leg free, blood gushing from the wound as he stumbles backward, clutching his injured limb.

In his panic, Steven inadvertently tosses the bag of gold into an expensive vase nearby, shattering it into pieces. The room erupts in a cacophony of mechanical clicks and whirs as another trap is triggered by the movement, a deadly shot firing from the wall with lethal accuracy.

The projectile strikes Steven square in the head, the force of the impact sending him sprawling to the ground lifeless, Blood pools around his motionless form, staining the surroundings in a grim reminder of the consequences of unchecked greed.

Mr. Beaufort's voice cuts through the stunned silence that follows, his tone chilling . "How tragic, a man consumed by Rage and Greed."

Kris, her voice filled with horror and outrage, breaks the tension with a defiant cry. "You're a murderer! I'm getting out of here and contacting the police!" 

With a determined glare, she turns to face the others, as she takes the first steps towards the exit going fast, one of the guards shoots her dead on the spot right in the back of her head, as she drops lifeless.

Mr. Beaufort shows anger for the first time
"Well damn it! See what happens when you don't obey the rules of the game and try to leave without permission! Would anyone else like to leave early or can I start the next games please?"

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