Chapter 13: Not A-Maze-Ing

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While Dimitri was still struggling within the maze trying to avoid meeting the same fate as Brian, Outside the chamber, the other contestants still stood around Mr. Beaufort and his guards, their eyes fixed on the glass screen as they awaited Dimitri's fate, Gary, his face etched with concern, spoke up again

"I hope Dimitri knows what he's doing" he muttered, his voice tinged with unease. "That maze could be more dangerous than what we've already seen."

Mr. Beaufort merely smiled, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine" he replied, his tone dripping with faux sympathy. "After all, he's a big boy, He can handle himself, as he once said nobody messes with him amd gets away with it or something like that."

Rachel, ever the skeptic, rolled her eyes at Mr. Beaufort's words "Yeah, right" she scoffed, her voice laced with sarcasm "I'll believe anything you say when I see it, but knowing Dimitri just off the last few hours, he'll probably end up getting himself killed, it wouldn't surprise me."

As the group watched in silence, Dimitri ventured deeper into the maze, his footsteps echoing off the walls as he navigated the labyrinthine corridors, With each passing moment, the maze grew more treacherous, its twisting paths leading him deeper into the heart of darkness.

Inside the maze, Dimitri's heart raced as he encountered one obstacle after another, Dead ends and false exits taunted him at every turn, testing his resolve and pushing him to the brink of despair he didn't know what was an exit or not, he couldn't trust anything.

But Dimitri refused to give up, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity, He pressed on, his mind focused on finding a way out of the maze and proving himself to his fellow contestants and to himself.

Outside the chamber, tension hung thick in the air as the group waited anxiously for any sign of Dimitri's progress, Lexa, her hands clenched into fists at her sides, spoke up, her voice trembling with concern.

"I hope he's okay, I'm tired of having to see people die today" she murmured, her eyes fixed on the maze "This whole thing just feels wrong, we're all just pawns in a twisted game."

Joe, his expression grave, nodded in agreement. "I don't like it either," he admitted, his voice low "But what choice do we have? We're all trapped in this nightmare together, all we can do is cheer him on now."

Kelsey, her eyes brimming with tears, reached out to comfort the others, her own fear palpable in the air. "We just have to hold on to hope is all" she insisted, her voice quavering with emotion "Maybe Dimitri will find a way out and show us that there's still a chance to escape anything."

As the group watched and waited, the minutes he was in there felt like they stretched into hours, each passing moment filled with mounting tension and uncertainty, And as the darkness of the maze closed in around Dimitri, the fate of his journey hung in the balance, his every decision a test of his resolve and resilience.

Dimitri stopped moving for a moment as he rested his hands on his knees and spoke "I won't give up, I went through too much to come to this land, to live the dream, to be what I dream of to aspire greatness! Louis Beaufort you won't break me, I'll prove I can win unlike Brian!"

As Dimitri started to move again suddenly without warning the floor beneath Dimitri's feet gave way, sending him plummeting into a bottomless pit of darkness He flailed wildly, desperately grasping for anything he could as he tumbled through the void, the sound of his own screams drowned out by the roar of the chamber's traps.

As Dimitri fell, time seemed to slow to a crawl, each agonizing second stretching out into eternity.

And then, with a final, bone-chilling scream, Dimitri's descent came to an abrupt and violent end, His body slammed into the unforgiving stone floor below, shattering his bones and extinguishing the last flicker of life from his shattered form.

the other contestants waited in tense silence, their hearts heavy with the weight of another contestants demise, Though they could not see the horrors that unfolded below, they could feel the chilling presence of death looming over them.

Gary with a heavy sigh broke the silence
"What's next?" he muttered, his voice filled with concern "What do you have planned for us now?"

Mr. Beaufort, his demeanor seemingly unchanged by the events unfolding around him, wore a chilling smile as he addressed the group. "Ah, my dear contestants," he said, his voice dripping with faux enthusiasm. "It seems we're in for quite the treat, as it's time for my special planned event."

The others exchanged nervous glances, their unease growing with each passing moment. Lexa, her voice trembling with fear, spoke up tentatively. "What do you mean special event?" she asked, her eyes darting between Mr. Beaufort and the others.

Mr. Beaufort's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I've decided that it's time for a new game, but of course you all know that" he announced his voice tinged with excitement. "And this one is set up for all five of you at once!"

Rachel, her skepticism apparent, crossed her arms over her chest. "And what exactly does that entail?" she demanded, her tone laced with suspicion.

Mr. Beaufort chuckled, enjoying the discomfort he was causing. "Ah, my dear Rachel" he replied, his voice dripping with amusement "All will be revealed in due time, For now, let's just say that I've prepared something special for you all, that I must go finish setting up, I need 5 guards to follow me now, the rest of you stay watch per usual."

With that, Mr. Beaufort turned and strode away, leaving the contestants to grapple with their mounting fear and uncertainty, As they huddled together, whispers of apprehension filled the air.

"What do you think he has planned for us?" Kelsey asked, her voice barely audible over the din of their surroundings.

Gary shook his head, his expression grim. "I don't know, I wish I knew more" he admitted. "But whatever it is, I doubt it's going to be pleasant, we need to prioritize teamwork, whatever he has set up, he definitely doesn't want all 5 of us to be in danger at once."

Joe nodded in agreement, his features drawn with worry. "We need to be prepared for anything," he said, his voice resolute. "We can't let Beaufort get the better of us, teamwork is definitely the best way to go about this."

As they waited for Mr. Beaufort to reveal the details of the next game, the group remained on edge, their minds racing with thoughts of what horrors awaited them.

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