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I just want to say a big thank you for reading Sidekick and for reaching 3k views on it! I never would have expected that. So, as a thank you, here's a cut scene from the first draft of Sidekick.

This was original what was going to happen from Mattie leaving the flower shop (chapter 6) and finding the portal (chapter 7) It's not much, but I hope you'll enjoy it!


What lead do I have for Peggy? I have the cosplay place, and one tiny note. Not much to go on.

I sigh.

What am I supposed to do? I can't keep going to school and acting as if everything is okay. I can't keep lying to mom, and I can't sit with the rock that's sitting in my stomach. I'm going to have to come clean soon. But how can I do that without risking all the anger, all the freedom?

I turn the corner and stare at my house. It's a small two story place with weeds growing out of the front yard. The house itself is a dark grey with black accents.

Something hits my leg, not hard but not soft.

I look down to find a soccer ball. I look up and see kids playing in the streets, staring at me. One gestures to the ball. I swing my leg and kick the ball back to him, he grabs it with ease, passing it to a teammate and scoring. The scoring team embraces each other, screaming and cheering as if they won gold.

And suddenly I know what my next step is.


I stand outside Peggy's narrow townhouse. It's a cute little blue house with a yellow door and painted rocks lining the walkway. All the curtains are closed, adding an abandon vibe to the house. The only reason they're closed is because Mr. Maye is always in his office.

I walk to the door and hold my hand up to it.

Knock! Knock!

I hold my breath and listen for movement.


I knew this would happen. The only time this door would open was when Peggy was here. I rack my brain trying to remember if she ever told me about a hidden key. Nope, nothing. She always had a key on her.

How am I supposed to get in now?

I walk down the steps and walk onto the grass, staring at the windows. They all look locked and even if one was unlocked or open it would look suspicious if I climbed through one in broad daylight.

I turn around and look at the other houses. Would anyone know how I could get in? Does someone have a key? I sigh and shake my head. No one would be able to help me. This is just another deadend.


I spin around.

The front door is ajar. It wasn't like that before. Darkness seems to seep out of it. I take a step forward and a huge thing comes barreling at me.

"AHH!" I scream as its claws dig into my shoulders.

"Where's Peggy?!" The thing asks.

My mind catches up as I realize it's not a thing but Mr. Maye.

I let out a sigh of relief. "You scared me!"

"Where's Peggy?!" He asks again. His eyes are bloodshot. The pupils are wide and crazed. He looks like he hasn't shaved in awhile but he always looks like that.

"I'm... not, really sure," I tell him. He noticed that Peggy was missing? Even though he only ever seems to work?

"You're her best friend and you don't know where she is?" He narrows his eyes. His fingers dig deeper, and I know that they'll leave a bruise.

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