1. Arcade

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Katie looked at the mirror, fascinated by the casual yet beautiful dress her sister had bought her for the spring's arrival. The dress was up to her knees, covered in an eye-catching red color and white flowers. One could not say that it matched with her outstanding eyes, but it suited her perfectly, showing off both her cuteness and elegance.
The door burst open and Miranda walked in. She opened her mouth to announce something but her eyes fell immediately on Katie. Her sword fell from her hands and her jaw dropped.
- Kates , I swear, this is the one.
- Indeed, answered an amused voice behind Miranda. Connor planted a kiss on Miranda's cheek, her flushing like a blood red poppy." Well, now can we go, please?", he begged with puppy eyes his girlfriend.
-Yes, Connor, we can. Miranda sighed. Katie laughed at the two. They looked adorable together.

Connor pulled Miranda's hair.
- You're so gonna die, Stoll!!, she screamed furious. He was always teasing her in such childish ways.
- Bet you wouldn't like that, tho., he said, a flirty smirk growing on his lips.
- Shove off, Stoll!,Miranda retorted annoyed.
End of flashback

- Hey, babe !, Connor turned towards his girlfriend
- Yes, Connor! What is it now?, She huffed, however a smile was evident on her face.
- We will go to the arcade, right?, his eyes glimmered with hope.
- Of course we will, dummy., Miranda gave him a hug. Connor, felt like he was an innocent kid, before all the pranks, when he would hug his teddy bear at nights, wishing it was someone he loved instead. But now, he had found that someone.
His thoughts were rudely interrupted by his brother, Travis, who appeared in a casual black outfit, smugness going off of him. Travis cleared his throat.
He could basically feel Katie's eye roll. He smiled at himself. He called this a success, as usually she would just ignore him.
- You look beautiful tonight, Katie Kat!, he noted, suddenly feeling his heart skipping a beat, as he looked at her.
- Thanks, she muffled sharply.
This phrase was all it took for him to notice Katie's blue mood. And although it burned him inside, he didn't dare to ask. Knowing Katie, she would dig a hole in the ground and let him rot in hell.
The four of them left the camp and arrived at the top of the camp. There, an empty car was waiting for them. Miranda and Connor got seated at the front while giggling. Katie then realised that she was obliged to sit next to the devil's spawn, named Travis. HEY! I HEARD THAT!, Hermes pretended to warn her. She just laughed.
- What is it?, the blue eyed boy next to her asked with a confused look.
- Oh! Nothing Travis, don't worry!, she  continued to laugh.
- Kates. Although I love seeing you smile, he paused, you might not feel good. You just called me 'Travis'. By my first name., he looked into her eyes seriously.
Both of them then burst into laughs.
- Shut it, will you?, Connor shouted from the front seats.
- Why? Weren't you the ones they were giggling before?, Travis challenged his brother,making Katie put on a fake serious face.
- Well, we flirted then. Are you two flirting now?, he mischievously asked. Miranda shot him a glare.
That shut Travis and Katie up for the rest of the ride. The atmosphere though was not too awkward, as anyone would have expected it to be. It was almost confortable. Almost.

After four hours at the arcade, the group finally returned to the camp. Miranda and Connor separated ways with Travis and Katie, with the excuse they had a date. So, there was a freezing Katie and a sassy Travis alone.
He walked her to her cabin's door,where he hesitated for a minute, before finding the words.
- You know, I had a wonderful time today.
- Me too, Travis! Especially when we beat our siblings in air hockey. I had the laugh of my life!, Katie answered overexcited.
- Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?, he looked at her in the eyes.
Katie just scoffed.
- You are a huge flirt, you know?, a smile appeared on her face.
- Well, I was wondering, would, maybe, want to go to the arcade with me, again? Like, huh, emm, without our siblings, like.. On a date?, he hopefully asked her.
- To what do I own this honor? Travis Stoll is asking me on a date! Omg!, she teasingly answered with sass dripping from her voice.
For only a flash Travis eyes depicted nervousness, which Katie saw.
- Seriously, I would love to go on a date with you, Travis., she fixed her hair, as she stepped closer to him.
And they hugged. For what felt like hours. No one knew for how much time. But, one thing they knew was that everything would change afterwards.


- So that's how you and mom knew you loved each other,dad?, Dimi, their daughter asked.
- No, darling, that was a few moths after that. But it was the start of the one and only great love story I ever had in my life.
- But weren't you a ladies' man?,  Luke, their older son asked with the renowned smirk of Hermes' children.
- Oh , he was! Until he fell for me!, Katie stepped in the kitchen bringing the pizza.
They all laughed.
- PIZZA!!, their children shouted with enthusiasm.

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