competing for Jason

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After analyzing the bless tip gun. Jason has upgraded his weaponry giving his main gun and other weapons a demon killing mode.

Jason: seeing that this gun can kill higher demons and angels. I should be able to handle any problems I get from demons. But let's be real I can just use my regular bullets to handle demons. I'll use my blessed ones for emergencies. Anyway that's enough lab work for the day even though it took me 5 minutes to do (laughs).

Jason then leaves his lab and goes upstairs only to smell food coming from the kitchen.

Jason: who's cooking?

Jason walks into the kitchen to keenie making breakfast for him.

Jason: keenie? Whatcha doing?

Keenie: I thought you deserve a healthy breakfast after working in that lab for so long.

Jason: how you know I had a lab?

Keenie: I may have gave myself a house tour when you went to the harvest moon festival. Very impressive stuff down there.

Jason: thanks?

Keenie: now take a seat and get ready to eat. Hey i said a rhyme (giggles).

Jason then sits at the table and keenie brings over a breakfast platter and sets it in front of jason.

Jason then sits at the table and keenie brings over a breakfast platter and sets it in front of jason

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Jason: keenie this too much.

Keenie: oh did i give you too much food im so sorry.

Jason: no just its too much. You didnt have to do this for me.

Keenie: (chuckles) oh my silly rugged, handsome man I do anything for you. Now eat.

Keenie grabs a fork and picks a strawberry and feeds jason.

Jason: (mumbles) uh keenie i can feed myself.

Keenie: please you need to conserve your energy.

She picks up some pancakes and shoves it in jason mouth while smiling.

Jason: (mumbles) keenie slow down!

Keenie: oh you want syrup?

Keenie grabs the syrup and pours it in jason mouth while smiling. Jason then struggles to swallow the food but does.

Jason: (deeply breathing) wtf fuck woman!!! 

Keenie: the way to a man's heart is through is stomach.

Jason: well a way to suffocation is blocking someone's air pipe. I'm not hungry anymore.

Keenie: but you need your energy.

Jason: i got enough!

Jason: i got enough!

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Human Vs Hell (hazbin hotel/helluva boss) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora