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Did we just hit the jackpot with this raid?" A person spoke; his voice laced with sarcasm. He had a smirk on his face and certain documents in hand. "Jackpot? We might as well call this a gold-mine." A female voice could be audible. "I must agree with you on this one, Arushi. Who would've guessed a person who had set his whole brand to revolve around 'helping others' could very well be exploiting his customers?" Another female voice was heard. The three colleagues laughed and turned to look at a certain figure. One of the women, Arushi, sighed and grinned. "Yet again, you've shown your brilliance, Mr. Singh. Where would our team be without your guidance?" Aayan shifted his gaze from a painting on the wall to his team, his expression was hard to read. "We were able to do this because of your intelligence and hard work." He looked over to the other woman, "Aiman did you find any smartphones or burner phones while searching?" He glanced at the painting once again, something unsettling about it. "Ah, phone.. right. That bastard must've gotten a hint; he got rid of his phone data prior to the raid." Aiman scratched the back of her head. "However.." She continued, "The intelligence team managed to boot up some of the 'lost' information; precisely speaking, some text exchanges." Dev looked at Aiman with an amused look, "Text? Have you taken a look at them yet?" "Mmh, no. I figured it would be more productive if we directly had him look over it." Aiman shrugged; pointing towards Aayan. Dev nodded, he looked over to Aayan. "I'll go have a look at the other documents we found." Aayan nodded taking the phone from Aiman, "I'll have a look at them later and let you know... oh and, tell the team to search for any burner phones, tell them to contact me immediately if they find any." Aiman quickly added, "You got it", before leaving the team's side and consulting the other officers.

That evening; in Aayan's office

Aayan shut his laptop and took off his glasses, looking over at the phone in front of him on his desk. He glanced at the wall clock before picking up the phone, he turned on the phone and mumbled, "Let's see what's in here." He had a brief look at all the apps before clicking on the 'message' app. He sighed deeply before concentrating on the text messages sent and received on the device. At first, the messages were all pretty insignificant. Some were from his wife, others were from his business colleagues, it seemed as if looking through these texts was a waste of time. Just as Aayan was about to close the phone, his eyes glanced over the text exchange between the man and  a user named 'Samarth'. This was strange.. the name Samarth wasn't mentioned in the files related to the raided person. Out of curiosity, Aayan looked through the texts.

7:14 pm
Sam : You're annoying the living shit out of me. Where's the txt file you promised?

7:16 pm
You : Why are you so impatient? I'll give it once I sort some shit out!

7:25 pm
Sam : Don't give me that bullshit, old man. I need the file by tomorrow. If you don't give it by then, consider yourself a dead man.

7:26 pm
You : Tomorrow? You're kidding me. You know I can't forward it by tomorrow.

7:31 pm
You : You understand right? It's impossible for me.

7:49 pm
You : Come ON. Are you serious? I'm sorry! Don't ask me to do impossible shit, Samarth.

8:01 pm
You : Fuck my life.

Aayan raised his brow, a smirk plastered on his face, "Samarth huh?... this is interesting." He pulled out his phone from his pocket and quickly wrote 'Samarth's' number on his notes app before calling Dev. He picked up after the first ring, "Yes, what is it?" Aayan looked at the text messages again before speaking, "I want you to look into the background of this person named Samarth, found him on that bastard's phone. I'm sending you the guy's number, give me the details by tonight." Dev nodded to himself, "Alright, will do." he spoke while shuffling through papers. Aayan cut the call and looked at the texts again, "txt file.." he mumbled to himself thinking of the possibilities.
Not even 5 minutes pass since the call, when suddenly Aayan's phone starts ringing again; the caller ID being 'Dev'. Aayan picks up the call, "Gound something?" "You've got to be kidding me. Why are you asking me to run a background check on THE Samarth Singhania? I thought we were sticking to the case about the guy we raided." Dev spoke in a strange tone; it seemed that he was taken-aback by Aayan's order. Aayan gets up from his chair, "It's THAT kid!? Are you sure your sources are right? You sure it's him?" "When have my sources EVER been wrong? How come you're now investigating one of the Singhanias?" Dev asked in confusion. It seemed as if Aayan himself was surprised. Aayan cleared his throat before speaking, "Ahem- you continue working out details about the guy we raided, I'll take care of this... oh and meet me in my office tomorrow morning and don't tell the team about this... let them focus on the current case." "Things seem absurd when you, out of all people, start becoming secretive over a case. But.. oh well, got you." Dev ended the call with a sigh. Aayan chuckled keeping his phone down. "Doesn't look like that bastard was his sugar daddy, so what is that kid doing in his contacts? Samarth Singhania huh? Looks like tomorrow's going to be a fun day."


[i originally wrote this with a friend but we dropped it in between so i decided to continue it here so yea THANKS to her.]

[anyways if you've come this far, please read the further chapters and vote!!]

[follow shroomdiaryss on ig for updates and edits <3]

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